This repository contains some of my diffusion embedding (DE) work. The docs/ directory contains Jupyter notebooks with diffusion maps tutorial and a simulation demonstrating that DE can successfuly recover ovarlapping gradients of connectivity. The folder also contains function for surface plotting in Pyhton.
The main directory includes file, which contains code for performing DE.
The code has been written in Python 2.7. The DE code has been integrated into the class object. Following modules are neccessary to run all elements of the code:
- numpy
- scipy
- pySTATIS ( )
from diffusion_embed import Diffusion_Embedding as de
emb = de(source_path = '/home/me/awesome_project/timeseries/',
file_template = '%s_timeseries.npy',
subjects = ['22529','23197','23269','23464','23734','23884','24691','24715','24757'],
output_path = '/home/me/awesome_project',
mwall = False)
Following options are available for the Diffusion_Embedding class:
source_path (mandatory) - the path where timeseries are stored
file_template (mandatory) - format of files to be read in
subjects (mandatory) - the changing part of file_template
output_path (mandatory) - where to store output files
diff_time (optional, default 0 ) - diffusion time
diff_alpha (optional, default 0.5) - diffusion operator
diff_ncomp (optional, default 10) - number of components to save
subjects_subset (optional, default None) - subset of subjects to use for template creation and back projection
output_suffix (optional, default 'embedding') - suffix to add to output filenames
ftype (optional, default 'npy_timeseries') - type of input data
surf (optional, default 'fsaverage4') - FreeSurfer template for the data, in calse mwall = True
mwall (optional, default False) - if True, medial wall vertices will be removed from analysis based on surf parameter
tp (optional, default None) - timepoints to extract from timeseries
affinity_metric (optional, default 'correlation') - affinity metric to use between timeseries
realign_method (optional, default 'STATIS') - method of aligning subjects into a common space (basis)