
GitOps workflow demo with Kustomize for multiple K8s clusters

Primary LanguageSmarty

Gitops workflow demo with Kustomize

Install k3d (or other local k8s cluster like kind, minikube, ...)


brew install k3d

Other OS

Create a k3d cluster with 3 workers

k3d create --publish 8080:80 --workers 3

export KUBECONFIG="$(k3d get-kubeconfig --name='k3s-default')"

If you need another worker

k3d add-node

Install Helm 3


brew install helm@3

Other OS

Install Flux

Add the fluxcd repo:

helm repo add fluxcd https://charts.fluxcd.io

Install the HelmRelease CRD

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fluxcd/helm-operator/1.0.1/deploy/crds.yaml

Install Flux on Staging cluster

kubectl create ns flux

helm install flux \
--set rbac.create=true \
--set git.url=git@github.com:mfamador/gitops-kustomize-demo.git \
--set git.branch=master \
--set git.path="staging" \
--set git.pollInterval=120s \
--set manifestGeneration=true \
--set syncGarbageCollection.enabled=true \
--namespace flux fluxcd/flux 

fluxctl identity --k8s-fwd-ns flux

Create a deploy key on the github gitops repository with write permissions

Settings -> Deploy keys -> Add deploy key -> check write permission checkbox

Install Flux Helm Operator

helm upgrade -i helm-operator \
--set git.ssh.secretName=flux-git-deploy \
--set workers=2 \
--set helm.versions=v3 \
--namespace flux fluxcd/helm-operator 


Echo API

curl -H "host:echo.domain.com" http://localhost:8080/


Check ingress:

curl -H "host:grafana.domain.com" http://localhost:8080/

Setup port-forward to Grafana service to use it locally:

kubectl port-forward svc/prometheus-operator-grafana 8888:80 -n monitoring

Grafana UI:

open http://localhost:8888

Explore Loki:


open http://localhost:8888/explore?orgId=1&left=%5B%22now-1h%22,%22now%22,%22Loki%22,%7B%22expr%22:%22%7Bapp%3D%5C%22echo-api%5C%22%7D%22%7D,%7B%22mode%22:%22Logs%22%7D,%7B%22ui%22:%5Btrue,true,true,%22none%22%5D%7D%5D

Find out outdated helm charts

helm plugin install https://github.com/fabmation-gmbh/helm-whatup

helm repo update

helm whatup --all-namespaces --ignore-repo # you'll need `--ignore-repo` because the plugin is not handling custom charts correctly