
:point_right: Ktor based JWT Token provider for login purposes with Exposed framework and PostgreSQL

Primary LanguageKotlin

Kotlin Ktor Server Version PostgreSQL Version

Welcome to Login API!

In this example repository, you will be able to see KTOR based backend application working with a couple of techniques ;


With docker compose, the application will be exposed on 9090 port with 5432 database connections.

docker compose build
docker compose up

Note: If you want to change ports of the configuration, please check Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml

Environment Configuration

In application.conf you will see some environment variables for test purposes. If you want to run this app in another circumstances, you should change these variables either in application.conf or Dockerfile.

  • PORT

    If you change this config, your application will be working on that port.


    Secret for JWT creation.


    database password


    database connection string


    database username


In the example below, you see Json Web Token Authentication between client and server.

Client ->> Resource: Hello Resource, I want this data from you
Resource ->> Client: I don't know who you are(401)
Client ->> JWT Server: Hello, here is my username&password for data
JWT Server ->> Client: Okey, I know you. Here is your token(access_token)
Client ->> Resource: Here I am again with Bearer access_token
Resource ->> Client: Okey, I know you. This is your data(200)

Note: The Login API is working on current KTOR 2.0.1 version and working with dockerized PostgreSQL in development environment. If you want to use, please change configuration file inside resources file.