This is an application skeleton for an app using Roda as the web framework, and Sequel as the database library. It’s set up so you can clone this repository and base your application on it:
git clone my_app cd my_app rake "setup[MyApp]"
By default roda-sequel-stack assumes a PostgreSQL database, with an application specific PostgreSQL database account. You can create this via:
createuser -U postgres my_app createdb -U postgres -O my_app my_app_production createdb -U postgres -O my_app my_app_test createdb -U postgres -O my_app my_app_development
Using an application specific, regular database user account (not a database superuser account), is recommended for security reasons.
First, you’ll want to edit the default migration file (migrate/001_tables.rb
) to define the database schema for your application. After modifying the migration file, and optionally adding additional migration files, you can run the migrations:
rake dev_up # Migrate the development database up rake test_up # Migrate the test database up rake prod_up # Migrate the production database up
After editing the default migration file, you’ll probably want to rename and edit the example model file (models/model1.rb
), as well as add other model files as appropriate. After the models have been set up, you can get an irb shell with your models loaded:
rake dev_irb # IRB shell with models connected to the development database rake test_irb # IRB shell with models connected to the test database rake prod_irb # IRB shell with models connected to the production database
After editing the model files, you’ll probably want to edit the application file (app.rb
). You’ll also want to rename and edit the example routing subtree (routes/prefix1.rb
). After that, you’ll probably want to edit the layout (views/layout.erb
) and index page (views/index.erb
), as well as add any other views.
After making those changes, you can start your application using rackup
or similar program.
- roda
web framework
- sequel
database library
- tilt
template library
- erubi
ERB template implementation
- sassc
SCSS to CSS compiler
- rack-unreloader
development code reloader
- minitest
testing framework
- minitest-hooks
around/around(:all) hooks for minitest
- minitest-global_expectations
minitest expectation methods for all objects
- capybara
web application testing helpers
- sequel_pg
optimization for using Sequel with pg
- sequel-annotate
Provides annotations for models
- refrigerator
freezes ruby environment in production and when testing (not enabled by default, modify to enable)
- simplecov
Test line/branch coverage
- default_headers
Add security related headers for older browers
- content_security_policy
Add Content-Security-Policy header
- route_csrf
Add CSRF protection
- flash
Support flash messages (available in next request)
- assets
Allow use of SCSS for styling, automatically converting to CSS
- render
Allow use of ERB templates, with HTML escaping by default
- public
Serve files in public directory
- hash_branch_view_subdir
Split routing tree by top-level branch, with a separate view subdirectory per route branch
- common_logger
Log received requests
- not_found
Show nice 404 error page
- exception_page
Show detailed debugging page for internal errors in development
- error_handler
Show appropriate error page for internal errors
- sessions
Use encrypted cookie sessions
- auto_validations
Automatically validate model objects based on database schema
- prepared_statements
Use prepared statements for inserts/updates for model objects
- subclasses
Freeze model classes in production and during testing
database connection URL to give to Sequel, default is to create one based on the application’s name and RACK_ENV.
cookie session secret, must be >=64 bytes
environment to use (production, development, or test), defaults to development.
To run the specs for the application after running rake setup
, run rake
. To run specs for the stack itself (to test if the stack itself is functioning as expected), run rake
before running rake setup
. The specs for the stack itself depend on the gems in Gemfile
, as well as the rackup
and webrick
gems (puma
will also be used if installed).
Jeremy Evans <>