
Creator of Uned exams schedules for my PFG.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This project proposes the resolution of exam schedules for the National University of Distance Education, using a genetic algorithm to calculate it.

Planning of schedules is a common problem of those considered intractable (NP), in addition to the specific problem of design of examin schedules of the UNED, it is more complicated by its unique characteristics. In a week (from Monday to Friday), in four sessions per day, the exam schedules of subjects of 27 undergraduate and 52 master's degrees are concentrated. The resolution of these calendars entails a great computational task where it is not at all easy to reach an optimal solution. The use of genetic algorithms tries to alleviate this aspect.

Genetic algorithms are a type of computing that is based on the idea of ​​the evolution of species to find optimal solutions in a broad search space. Each individual of the population to evolve is a solution, so through successive generations of crosses and occasional mutations the most suitable descendants survive and guide the evolution towards more adapted solutions, therefore more optimal.

In this project an application has been developed capable of solving the UNED exam calendars using several types of genetic algorithms. To do this, a modern methodology has been followed and quality software capable of working on multiple platforms has been obtained.