
A CSV upload data visualization app. Using node, d3, angular, amazon s3 and mongodb

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This was set by an employer as an admission challenge. Completed in 2014. Below is the original challenge.


Create a simple API using Node.js. When we make a post request with a url of some csv data (eg http://aedata-tmp.s3.amazonaws.com/seriesA080328.csv), the server should return a JobId. When we make a get request with the JobId previously returned we will get the results of the computation in a json file. The computation should be done however you want and it will make a dummy prediction for the next 20 values of the y variable. The api should then return an html file with the original data, the calculation, and some graph in d3.js (e.g. blocksmbostock/3883245) that represents the prediction.


Post request to run Algorithm "000000"

curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"url":"http://aedata-tmp.s3.amazonaws.com/seriesA080328.csv"}' http://myserver/algorithms/000000:

Response Body:

{"jobId": "99db77396f152e113e9b94a915055e6e73a5a40f}

Get request


Response Body

    "id": "",
    "result": {

      "htmlreport":{"url to report"}
    "status": ""

  1. Create a frontend in Angular.js for users to upload their own link to a csv file and get back an html report with the prediction on the values.

BONUS: Please enhance backend API above to have all the data uploaded by the users to be uploaded directly to an Amazon S3 bucket, make the data upload bypass the api server by getting a policy from the server and using the policy to upload directly the files to S3 from the client. Find attached some examples of an angular api that does that (sierpinski.zip)

BONUS: Enhance the visualization by making it reusable. http://bost.ocks.org/mike/chart/ We don't mean simply using some of the many d3 based visualization libraries, but instead try to develop a roadmap to transform many of the available examples ( http://bost.ocks.org/mike/ , http://christopheviau.com/d3list/gallery.html ) into reusable charts. Find attached one book that explains in detail how to do this with Angular.

Feel free to improve or simplify whatever you want.

Here are some resources for you. Angular:


We suggest you to use MongoDB as your database, maintain the code using Github.com and make the deployment using Heroku.

Let us know if you have any questions at any time. We would be glad to help you and guide you through this task if you find it interesting enough.

We know this might be a lot of work but just take your time and let us know your advances, as soon as we hear from you we can set up another skype chat.


Suppose you have a Retailer Data Table with the following information fields:

“cust_id” : Customer ID
“trans_id” : Transaction ID
“date” : Date of transaction
“Code” : Product Code

These will help us identify who bought what, when, and in which transaction.

Write down 10 specific questions that can be answered with this data set and suggest some computations to build next in the API you created so we can sell this report to a Store Manager.

Example: What is the pair of products that will be bought together every monday so I can put them in promotion? - COMP: Analyze correlations of products bought together, or build a recommendation engine for products.

This is just a brainstorming exercise, feel free to throw any ideas that come to your mind.


  1. What time of day/day of the week are very few products sold so I can optimize opening hours?
    • Correlate data/time and frequency of transactions
  2. What products sell well in summer so I can optimize buying of stock?
    • Correlate product ids with a line which indicates amount of summer (0-1) over the year
  3. What products are bought more than once by the same customer?
    • Count number of customers who bought product twice per product
  4. What product has been bought the most times this week/month/ever?
    • Count product code
  5. Who are the customers who have bought the most products, so I can reward their loyalty?
    • Count transactions per customer id
  6. What product do customers buy once but never again so I can buy less of that stock?
    • Collect products which show unique
  7. Which product has the most buys per customer, so I can increase this stock?
    • Average buys of product per customer (could average over time)
  8. What do customers often buy together so I can optimize layout of my store?
    • Clustering of customers into groups based on products. (k-means clustering/neural networks each customer is an input)
  9. What products should I put on promotion?
    • Things that have low frequency of purchases
  10. What product brings the greatest revenue? (assuming trans_id provides transaction amount) * Calculate total revenue

  1. Customer clustering into groups by products.

  2. Associating dates with products

  3. Patterns of customer buying

  4. Do people buy same product several times

  5. Which products are only bought once and never again.

  6. Seasonal products

  7. which brand

  8. associate with location

  9. time of day, optimize opening hours. close on certain days?

  10. day of the month

  11. what day of the week/month people eat fruit/things that will go off

  12. what more brands to buy

  13. what more category of product to get

  14. predict how much stock to buy

  15. what's selling badly? try out with promotion

  16. suggest products to put on promotion

  17. optimize:

*   stock buying
*   shop layout
*   opening hours