
Uses google search to gather emails for a given set of queries

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Scrape emails

  • Provide either a json file with list of names
  • Scrapes google first page for ${name} contact @
  • Then scrapes first few links until it finds @ on page


part 1 - save html files:

  • create html files for all google pages and top results
  • in parallel
  • would be faster to store in db

part 2 - read each html file:

  • scrape for email regex, accumalate all email


Always prefix functions and files with either fetchBar or extractFoo

Getting Started

requries docker and docker compose

docker-compose up

Use for debugging values

npm install -g redis-commander



╰─$ aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region eu-west-2
## paste output to login
╰─$ docker build -t scrape_email .
╰─$ docker tag scrape_email:latest 016582366134.dkr.ecr.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/scrape_email:latest
╰─$ docker push 016582366134.dkr.ecr.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/scrape_email:latest

Run Once

See package.json for scripts

node index.js

Testing docker locally

docker build -t scrape_email .
docker run -p 49160:3001 3000:3000 -d scrape_email

Streamlining: When to update db?

  • Individual agents should be updated independent of other agents therefore:
  • Wait for all subpages to be scraped before updating an agent record? YES
  • Wait for all properties to be scraped before updating an agent record? YES
  • Wait for all agents to be scraped before updating an agent record? NO
  • Wait for all regions to be scraped before updating an agent record? NO
  • => Emit an event everytime you extract some data completely for an agent
  • Emit an event when:
    • Found agent name, address, etc
    • Extracted agent property stats
    • Extracted agent email


  • Get email for query
  • Get email for list of queries


  • Support upload csv native upload
  • Support download