Toy project with integration Rust/Solana, created using this template
The idea of this project is to be an example of using the methods available in the Solana SDK for Rust in common actions such as balance inquiry, for example.
Build and run test environment with our custom program (change command to fit your paths):
$ cd program
$ cargo build-bpf
$ cd ..
$ ls target/deploy/
$ solana-test-validator --bpf-program SampGgdt3wioaoMZhC6LTSbg4pnuvQnSfJpDYeuXQBv \
> ~/Development/autonomynetwork/solana-cli/target/deploy/ \
> --ledger ~/Development/autonomynetwork/solana-cli/.ledger --reset
$ solana config set --url localhost
$ solana-keygen new -o test.json
$ solana airdrop --keypair test.json 100
The repo includes sample keys for owners
. There are two owner accounts predefined User1 and User2, each with two keypairs defined:
- An owners 'wallet' account. This is funded by the Solana configurations default account and is used to fund program accounts.
- An owners program 'account' which is used by the sample program for mint, transfer and burn operations
For more details check the keys
All commands accept the --verbose
$ cargo run -- help
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.64s
Running `target/debug/solana_cli help`
solana_cli 0.1.0
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Show additional information
-C, --config <PATH> Configuration file to use [default: .../config.yml]
-u, --url <URL> JSON RPC URL for the cluster [default: value from configuration file]
--keypair <KEYPAIR> Filepath or URL to a keypair [default: client keypair]
balance Get balance
burn Burn (delete) a key/value pair from an account
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
mint Mint a new key/value pair to an account
ping Send a ping transaction
transfer Transfer a key/value pair from one account to another
Creates a transaction sending 0 SOL from the signer's account to the signer's account. Returns the signature of the transaction.
$ cargo run -- ping --verbose --keypair test.json
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.54s
Running `target/debug/solana_cli ping --verbose --keypair test.json`
JSON RPC URL: http://localhost:8899
Signature: 5JFyLrLBrQrPyX2csoYxhBs5Ux1WHko7LzPRxiG17JHgpSDHjjGvyCDPb9bEyw39Hj7QWj6szLqH2y4RjE3ZqzP9
Returns an account's balance.
$ cargo run -- balance --verbose --keypair test.json
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.66s
Running `target/debug/solana_cli balance --verbose --keypair test.json`
JSON RPC URL: http://localhost:8899
FVFK8Ttx1zAKfNWnKh5vpoPpfsdxBSiRsGSqNnUqM8Tm has a balance of ◎99.999995000
Mint a key/value pair to an owning account.
$ cargo run -- mint --verbose -t User1 -k TheKey --value TheValue
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.58s
Running `target/debug/solana_cli mint --verbose -t User1 -k TheKey --value TheValue`
JSON RPC URL: http://localhost:8899
User1 to account key/value store {"TheKey": "TheValue"}
Transfer a key, and it's value, from one owning account to another.
$ cargo run -- transfer --verbose -f User1 -t User2 -k TheKey
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.54s
Running `target/debug/solana_cli transfer --verbose -f User1 -t User2 -k TheKey`
JSON RPC URL: http://localhost:8899
User1 from account key/value store {}
User2 to account key/value store {"TheKey": "TheValue"}
Burn (delete) a key, and it's value, from an owning account.
$ cargo run -- burn -f User2 -k TheKey
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.58s
Running `target/debug/solana_cli burn -f User2 -k TheKey`
User2 from account key/value store {}
$ cargo test