Bet Tracker Bot Go Report

A discord bot for tracking bets!


Environment Variables

  • DISCORD_TOKEN: The Discord Token for the bot. Don't commit this!
  • GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID: The GCP Project ID your Firestore is in
  • GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: The path to your JSON containing a Service Account Key with R/W permissions to that Firestore

Installing and Running

  1. Have a working Go installation
  2. go get
  3. go run


  • !help <command>: Shows help for a particular command (or a list of commands if no command provided)
  • !bet <amount> <odds> <description of bet>: Bets an amount in units (3.50u) or money ($3.50) at the specified odds on the specified bet, then stores that in the Firestore
  • !open: Gets a list of bets you have open
  • !delete <bet ID>: Deletes a bet based on the ID provided by !open
  • !won <bet ID>: Marks a bet as won based on the ID provided by !open
  • !lost <bet ID>: Marks a bet as lost based on the ID provided by !open
  • !ping: Pong!