
Download, build, and query the USDA food database

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Download, build, and query the USDA food database.

Do you know what you are putting in your body?


$ pip install fooddata --upgrade


$ fooddata build
$ fooddata query "SELECT * from foods WHERE category_id IS NOT NULL LIMIT 100;" --json | jq .
$ fooddata query "SELECT * from foods WHERE category_id IS NOT NULL LIMIT 100;" --json > output2.json
$ fooddata query "SELECT * from food_nutrients_v WHERE food_type IS NOT NULL AND food_category IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1000;" --json | jq .

Update Database

To update the database, just run the first command again:

$ fooddata build


The data comes from the USDA website: https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/download-datasets.html