
Unity 2019+ project that render a procedural terrain using Diamond Square algorithm

Primary LanguageC#

Unity 2019: Diamond Square Procedural terrain

Based in: Unity Tutorials: Diamond-Square Procedural Terrain tutorial

Renders a procedural terrain using Diamond Square common and famous algorithm


Project scripts

The project contains the scripts below on Assets/Scripts folder:

  • MeshGenerator: This is only to understand the theory about creating mesh with triangles and vertices.

    PS: Attach this script to a any empty gameObject and see the result :)

  • DiamondSquareTerrain: Generate a diamond square terrain, with Diamond and Square steps

Getting Started

  1. Download Unity 2019+ and open this project

  2. Open the scene Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity

  3. Click on Play button on Unity editor

  4. Change the parameters Divisions, Size and Height and click on Update button. The terrain will be generated again


