
Gophers over Dogs

Primary LanguageGo



Tricranium is my attempt at better understanding kerberos and golang. Right now Tricranium is essentially a golang implementation of GetUserSPNs.py. End goal is much more kerberos abuse functionality.


  • git clone https://github.com/mfdooom/tricranium && cd tricranium
  • go get github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3
  • go get github.com/jedib0t/go-pretty/table
  • go get github.com/mfdooom/gokrb5/v8/
  • go build tricranium.go


Usage: tricranium [-dc-ip ip address] [-request] [-rc4] [-request-user domain/username] [-hash NT:LM] [-delay seconds] target


  target domain/username[:password]

optional arguments:

  -dc-ip string
         domain controller ip addreess
  -delay int
        number of seconds delayed between TGS requests
  -hash string
        NTLM Hash in the format LMHASH:NTHASH
        Only request TGS for accounts with RC4 specefied
        Requests TGS for users
  -request-user string
        Requests TGS of the specified user