CROWN-IBP is a certified defense to adversarial examples, which combines a
tight linear relaxation based verification bound
(CROWN) with the efficient interval bound propagation
(IBP) training method. We achieved
state-of-the-art verified (certified) error on MNIST and CIFAR: for MNIST,
6.68% at epsilon=0.3
and 12.46% at epsilon=0.4
(L_infinity norm
distortion); and for CIFAR, 67.11% at epsilon=8/255
and 45.50% at
. The MNIST verified error is even lower than the unverified PGD
error (around 12% at epsilon=0.3
) by
(Madry et al.). More empirical
results and algorithm details of CROWN-IBP can be found in our paper:
Huan Zhang, Hongge Chen, Chaowei Xiao, Sven Gowal, Robert Stanforth, Bo Li, Duane Boning, and Cho-Jui Hsieh, "Towards Stable and Efficient Training of Verifiably Robust Neural Networks", ICLR 2020
Our repository provides high quality PyTorch implementations of IBP (Gowal et al., 2018), CROWN-IBP (our algorithm), Convex Adversarial Polytope (Wong et al., 2018) and (ordinary) CROWN (Zhang et al., 2018). We implemented Multi-GPU and large batch training to scale CROWN-IBP to large models.
If you want to apply CROWN-IBP to more general NN architectures (e.g.,
ResNet, LSTM and Transformer), you can use the new implementation
based on the auto_LiRPA library.
is a powerful tool for computing linear relaxation based
perturbation analysis (e.g., CROWN) for general computational graphs.
A TensorFlow implementation of CROWN-IBP is provided by DeepMind.
- Apr 24, 2020: A new implementation of CROWN-IBP on more neural network architectures (ResNet, LSTM, Transformer) can be found in the auto_LiRPA library.
- Nov 21, 2019: We released pretrained SOTA
On MNIST we can achieve
6.68% verified error at
and on CIFAR we can achieve 67.11% verified error atepsilon=8/255
. Follow instructions here. - Nov 21, 2019: Multi-GPU training support. It is now possible to scale CROWN-IBP to the same Large model (trained on 32 TPUs) reported by Gowal et al., 2018. The largest CIFAR model takes about 1 day to train on 4x 2080 Ti GPUs.
- Oct 10, 2019: Ordinary CROWN bounds have been added for verification propose. See instructions. The implementation takes advantage of CNN on GPUs and is efficient for verification.
- July 14, 2019: Code has been further optimized and CROWN-IBP training is roughly 2-3 times faster than before.
- Jun 8, 2019: Initial release.
We aim to train a robust deep neural network that is verifiable: given a test
example and a certain perturbation radius epsilon
, it is able to verify if
there is definitely no adversarial example inside, or there might exist an
adversarial example, through some efficient neural network verification
algorithm. Conversely, PGD based adversarial training is generally not a
verifiable training method, as existing verification methods typically give
vacuous bounds for a PGD-trained network, and there might exists stronger
attacks that can break a PGD-trained model.
The certified robustness of a model can be evaluated using verified error,
which is a guaranteed upper bound of test error under any attack.
CROWN-IBP can achieve 6.68% verified error on MNIST test set at
. The verified error is even lower than the unverified PGD error
(around 12%) provided by Adversarial
training using PGD-based
adversarial training. Previous convex relaxation based method by Wong et
al. has about 30% to 40%
verified error.
CROWN-IBP combines Interval Bound Propagation (IBP) training (Gowal et al. 2018) and CROWN (Zhang et al. 2018), a tight linear relaxation based verification method. Ordinary CROWN is very expensive for training, and it may also over-regularize the network. IBP alone outperforms many existing linear relaxation based methods due to its non-linear representation power (see our paper for more explanation), however since IBP bounds are very loose at the beginning phase of training, training stability is a big concern. We propose to use IBP in a forward pass to compute all intermediate layers' pre-activation bounds and use a CROWN-style bound to obtain the final layer's bounds in a backward pass. The combination of IBP and CROWN gives us an efficient, stable and well-performing certified defense method, strictly within the framework of robust optimization.
This repository also includes a Pytorch implementation of (ordinary) CROWN,
which computes the full convex relaxation based bounds and can be used to
compute CROWN verified error. Although it is also okay to use the ordinary
CROWN bounds for training (the code supports it, see example config files in
folder), but it is very inefficient comparing to CROWN-IBP, and
also produces models with worse verified error due to over-regularization.
python -m pip install -e .
Our program is tested on Pytorch 1.3.0 and Python 3.6/3.7.
We have all training parameters included in JSON files, under the config
We provide configuration files which can reproduce all CROWN-IBP models in our paper.
To train CROWN-IBP on MNIST, 10 small models, run:
python -m crown_ibp.train --config config/mnist_crown.json
To train CROWN-IBP on MNIST, 8 medium models, run:
python -m crown_ibp.train --config config/mnist_crown_large.json
To train CROWN-IBP on MNIST, using the very large model in Gowal et al. to achieve SOTA, run:
# This uses all GPUs by default.
python -m crown_ibp.train --config config/mnist_dm-large_0.4.json
To train CROWN-IBP on CIFAR, using the very large model in Gowal et al. to achieve SOTA, run:
# This uses all GPUs by default.
python -m crown_ibp.train --config config/cifar_dm-large_8_255.json
You will also find configuration files for 9 small CIFAR models, 8 medium CIFAR models,
10 Fashion-MNIST small models and 8 Fashion-MNIST medium models in config
All hyperparameters can be changed in the configuration JSON file.
CROWN-IBP pretrained models (small and medium sized) used in our paper can be downloaded here. The very large model structure (used in Gowal et al., 2018) trained using CROWN-IBP can be downloaded here.
# Large SOTA models
tar xvf models_crown-ibp_dm-large.tar.gz
# Small and medium sized models
tar xvf models_crown-ibp.tar.gz
To evaluate the best (and largest) MNIST and CIFAR model (same model structure as in Gowal et al. 2018, referred to as "dm-large" in our paper), run:
# Evaluate MNIST with epsilon=0.3
# The default epsilon for MNIST evaluation in config/mnist_dm-large_0.4.json is 0.3.
python -m crown_ibp.eval --config config/mnist_dm-large_0.4.json --path_prefix models_crown-ibp_dm-large
# Evaluate MNIST with epsilon=0.4
python -m crown_ibp.eval "eval_params:epsilon=0.4" --config config/mnist_dm-large_0.4.json --path_prefix models_crown-ibp_dm-large
# Evaluate CIFAR-10 with epsilon=8/255
python -m crown_ibp.eval --config config/cifar_dm-large_8_255.json --path_prefix models_crown-ibp_dm-large
# Evaluate CIFAR-10 with epsilon=2/255
python -m crown_ibp.eval --config config/cifar_dm-large_2_255.json --path_prefix models_crown-ibp_dm-large
Note that the "dm-large" models have slight different verified errors than the
models reported in our paper (accuracy within +/-0.5%), which were trained
using Tensorflow.
The default epsilon
for evaluation in config/mnist_dm-large_0.4.json
0.3. The parameter "eval_params:epsilon=0.4"
overrides the epsilon
configuration file, and the parameter --path_prefix
changes the default path
that stores models and logs.
The folder crown-ibp_models
contains several directories, each one
corresponding to a set of (relatively small) models and a epsilon
They can also be evaluated using the script
. For example:
# Evaluate the 8 medium MNIST models under epsilon=0.4
python -m crown_ibp.eval "eval_params:epsilon=0.4" --config config/mnist_crown_large.json --path_prefix crown-ibp_models/mnist_0.4_mnist_crown_large
# Evaluate the 8 medium CIFAR models under epsilon=0.03137 (8/255)
# No epsilon value is given explicitly, so the default in cifar_crown_large.json will be used
python -m crown_ibp.eval --config config/cifar_crown_large.json --path_prefix crown-ibp_models/cifar_crown_large_0.03137/
The script will report min, median and max verified errors across all models.
Training verified models using CROWN-IBP is easy: simply use
with a
config file, which includes necessary training parameters. For example:
# Train the largest MNIST model ("dm-large")
python -m crown_ibp.train --config config/mnist_dm-large_0.4.json
# Train the largest CIFAR-10 model ("dm-large")
python -m crown_ibp.train --config config/cifar_dm-large_8_255.json
Multiple models may be defined in a confg file, to train the a specific model,
use the --model_subset
python -m crown_ibp.train --config config/mnist_crown_large.json --model_subset 4
The argument --model_subset
selects the 4th model defined in configuration
file. To change perturbation epsilon
, use the parameter
which overrides the corresponding epsilon
value in configuration file. Other parameters can be overridden in a similar
manner. For epsilon=0.4
run this command:
python -m crown_ibp.train "training_params:epsilon=0.4" --config config/mnist_crown_large.json --model_subset 4
If you want to use multiple GPUs for training, set keyword "multi_gpu"
section in configuration as true, or equivalently add
in command line after
. Then the
program uses all available GPUs in the system. To use less than all GPUs, set
environment variable CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES
before you run.
We also implement baseline methods including IBP (Gowal et al. 2018) and Convex adversarial polytope (Wong et al. 2018). They can be used by adding command line parameters to override the training method defined in the JSON file. For example,
# for IBP (no kappa terms)
python -m crown_ibp.train "training_params:method_params:bound_type=interval" --config config/mnist_crown.json
# for IBP (with kappa terms as in Gowal et al., 2018)
python -m crown_ibp.train "training_params:method=robust_natural" "training_params:method_params:bound_type=interval" --config config/mnist_crown.json
# for Convex adversarial polytope (Wong et al. 2018)
python -m crown_ibp.train "training_params:method_params:bound_type=convex-adv" --config config/mnist_crown.json
Our implementation can be easily extended to other datasets or models. You only need to do three things:
- Add your dataset loader to
(see examples for MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, CIFAR-10 and SVHN) - Add your model architecture to
(you can also reuse any existing models) - Create a JSON configuration file for training. You can copy from
. You need to change"dataset"
name in config file, also update model structure in the"models"
For example, the following in "models"
section of "mnist_crown.json"
defines a model with 2 CNN layers:
"model_id": "cnn_2layer_width_1",
"model_class": "model_cnn_2layer",
"model_params": {"in_ch": 1, "in_dim": 28, "width": 1, "linear_size": 128}
where "model_id" is an unique name for each model, "model_class" is the
function name to create the model in
, and "model_params" is a
dictionary of all parameters passing to the function that creates the model.
Then your will be able to train with CROWN-IBP with your JSON:
python -m crown_ibp.train --config your_config.json
Unlike the reference implementation in (Zhang et al., 2018) which only supports linear layers and is implemented in Numpy, this repository provides an efficient Pytorch implementation of CROWN for convolutional neural networks.
In the default setting, the code evaluates IBP verified error. To compute CROWN
verified error, simply set eval_params:method_params:bound_type=crown-full
the evaluation command. Also, you may need to reduce batch size by setting
to a small value, since the CROWN
bounds are memory intensive to compute.
python -m crown_ibp.eval "eval_params:epsilon=0.3" "eval_params:loader_params:test_batch_size=128" "eval_params:method_params:bound_type=crown-full" --config config/mnist_crown.json --path_prefix crown-ibp_models/mnist_0.3_mnist_crown --model_subset 1
Note that CROWN bounds are relatively loose on (CROWN-)IBP trained models; the above command produces verified error around 50% (while IBP verified error is around 10%). However, CROWN should achieve much tighter bounds on naturally trained, PGD adversarially trained or randomly initialized networks, and is an useful tool for giving linearized upper and lower bounds for general neural networks.
Computing CROWN verified error on the entire test set (10,000 images) can take some time (a few minutes to a few hours). The time is similar to 1 epoch training time of (Wong & Kolter, ICML 2018), so it is still feasible to run all 10,000 examples for most models.
Several bound options for CROWN are provided:
: when set to true
, use the same lower bound slope as the upper
bound slope for unstable ReLU neurons. This reduces computation cost by a half,
but usually leads to worse verified error.
: set the lower bound slope to 0 for unstable ReLU neurons. CROWN
provides a valid bound for any slope from 0 to 1, and these slopes correspond
to dual variables in dual LP formulation; see (Salman et al. 2019) for more
details. Sometimes setting this option to true
can improve verified error.
: set the lower bound slope to 1 for unstable ReLU neurons. Sometimes
setting this option to true
can improve verified error.
Example (setting zero-lb
to true
to improve CROWN verified error from 53.31%
to 10.61%):
python -m crown_ibp.eval "eval_params:method_params:bound_opts:zero-lb=true" "eval_params:epsilon=0.3" "eval_params:loader_params:test_batch_size=128" "eval_params:method_params:bound_type=crown-full" --config config/mnist_crown.json --path_prefix crown-ibp_models/mnist_0.3_mnist_crown --model_subset 1
In our paper, we evaluate training stability by setting different epsilon
schedule length among different models and methods. epsilon
schedule length
can be controlled through changing the configuration file, or overriding
configuration file parameters as shown below.
To train CROBW-IBP on MNIST, 10 small models with epsilon=0.3
and schedule length as 10, run this command:
python -m crown_ibp.train training_params:schedule_length=11 --config config/mnist_crown.json
To train IBP on MNIST with no natural CE loss, 10 small models with epsilon=0.3
and schedule length as 10, run this command:
python -m crown_ibp.train training_params:schedule_length=11 training_params:method_params:bound_type=interval --config config/mnist_crown.json
To train IBP with final kappa=0.5
on MNIST, 10 small models with epsilon=0.3
and schedule length as 10, run this command:
python -m crown_ibp.train training_params:schedule_length=11 training_params:method_params:bound_type=interval training_params:method_params:final-kappa=0.5 training_params:method=robust_natural --config config/mnist_crown.json
To train IBP with final kappa=0
on MNIST, 10 small models with epsilon=0.3
and schedule length as 10, run this command:
python -m crown_ibp.train training_params:schedule_length=11 training_params:method_params:bound_type=interval training_params:method_params:final-kappa=0 training_params:method=robust_natural --config config/mnist_crown.json
We stand on the shoulders of giants and we greatly appreciate the inspiring works of pioneers in this field. Here we list references directly related to this README. A full bibliography can be found in our paper.
Sven Gowal, Krishnamurthy Dvijotham, Robert Stanforth, Rudy Bunel, Chongli Qin, Jonathan Uesato, Timothy Mann, and Pushmeet Kohli. "On the effectiveness of interval bound propagation for training verifiably robust models." arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.12715 (2018).
Eric Wong, and J. Zico Kolter. Provable defenses against adversarial examples via the convex outer adversarial polytope. ICML 2018.
Aleksander Madry, Aleksandar Makelov, Ludwig Schmidt, Dimitris Tsipras, and Adrian Vladu. "Towards deep learning models resistant to adversarial attacks." In International Conference on Learning Representations, 2018.
Huan Zhang, Tsui-Wei Weng, Pin-Yu Chen, Cho-Jui Hsieh, and Luca Daniel. Efficient neural network robustness certification with general activation functions. In Advances in neural information processing systems (NIPS), pp. 4939-4948. 2018.
Hadi Salman, Greg Yang, Huan Zhang, Cho-Jui Hsieh and Pengchuan Zhang. A Convex Relaxation Barrier to Tight Robustness Verification of Neural Networks. To appear in NeurIPS 2019.