
The goal of CATIE2023_vMods is to bundle the data set and code used for the CATIE 2023 Virtual days into an R project.


  1. Download the zip file or clone the GitHub repo to your computer
  2. Launch the CATIE2023_vMods.Rproj file in R studio
  3. The R environment should activate
  4. Type renv::restore() to download the necessary packages

Virtual modules

There are two virtual modules that give an overview of common data analytic work flows.

  • Virtual module 2 (V2) Primary Aims analytics: V2_primary_aims_workbook

    • Main effects of first stage treatment
    • Main effects of second stage treatment
    • Mean of embedded adaptive interventions
  • Virtual module 3 (V3) Secondary Aims analytics: V3_secondary_aims_workbook

    • Implement Q-learning to test the utility of candidate moderators for tailoring first and second-stage intervention options.

    • Implement qlaci()

Follow along with the rendered .html documents or run the code in the interactive .qmd file.

Code along

Simple R scripts to practice implementing V2 & V3 concepts.

  • V2_primary_aims_code_along.R

  • V3_seconday_aims_code_along.R


  • adhd-simulated-2023.csv simulated data set similar to the ADHD SMART study conducted by Bill Pelham. For instructional purposes only.


  • Folder with handouts describing the ADHD SMART study design and variables in the simulated dataset.


  • estimate.R function to compute contrasts of model coeffecients

qlaci package

qlaci can be downloaded from D3C GitHub: