
Implement Go with gin gonic, mvc structure and mysql as API project

Primary LanguageGo


Implement Go with gin gonic, mvc structure and mysql as API project


  1. Create database pos_db and the table products

    CREATE TABLE `pos_db`.`products` (
      `name` VARCHAR(255) NULL,
      `code` VARCHAR(255) NULL,
      `sell_price` DECIMAL(50,6) NULL,
      `buy_price` DECIMAL(50,6) NULL,
      `created_at` DATETIME NULL,
      `updated_at` DATETIME NULL,
      `deleted_at` DATETIME NULL,
      `product_bundle` TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '1',
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`));
  2. Make sure you already installed Go and some libraries bellow just run these command:

    > go get -u github.com/gin-gonic/gin
    > go get github.com/shopspring/decimal
    > go get -u github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
  3. Clone this Repository on your Go-Workspace. In this case I clone on folder Documents/GoWorkSpace/src/github.com/mfirmanakbar/gin-mvc-mysql-api/. As we know, if we're start to make a golang project we should put it into the Go Workspace.

  4. Configuration, in this case i'm using GoLand as IDEA

    • Add new environment and choose a template Go Build
    • Package Path is github.com/mfirmanakbar/gin-mvc-mysql-api with these environment:
  5. Then Run it

API Documentation

  1. Create Product
    • Method POST
    • URL http://localhost:8282/products
    • Header go-access-token, the value of this header is optional, we can fill it by empty or fake header value
    • Body Request
          "name": "Kopiko",
          "code": "COD001",
          "sell_price": 50000.0,
          "buy_price": 50000.0,
          "product_bundle": 0
    • Response if the header go-access-token empty
          "name": "Excelso",
          "code": "COD002",
          "price": "50000",
          "product_bundle": 0
    • Response if the header go-access-token not empty
           "id": 1,
           "name": "Kopiko",
           "code": "COD001",
           "sell_price": "50000",
           "buy_price": "50000",
           "created_at": "2020-01-19 09:03:35",
           "updated_at": "",
           "deleted_at": "",
           "product_bundle": 0