
Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


What is a Pytest

Simply put, a Pytest is a pass or fail Python test. For instance, with the WCS step, we have Python scripts (which we are calling auxiliary code within the frame of the testing tool) that compare the pipeline product with the ESA corresponding intermediary file, and calculates a difference. The Pytest is to assert if that difference is less than or equal to an X threshold value. Hence, a failed test means that the condition was not met. If an error should occur with the pipeline, the test will be flagged as an error.

Useful links

Quick Start Guide

NOTE: This guide assumes that Conda has been installed. If you have not yet done so, please follow the instructions at: https://astroconda.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Please use the latest python version (3.6 is the minimum supported)


I.- You may want to clean your PYTHONPATH so that you do not get mysterious failures. To do this simply type the following command in the terminal:


You can do this every time you run the pytests, or when you start getting strange failures. Another option is not to define PYTHONPATH at all in the .profile (or equivalent: .bashrc, .bash_profile, .cshrc, .login, etc.) file.

II.- If you work outside the internal network, i.e. in the visitors network or at home, you also want to set the following environment variables in the terminal or add them to your .profile (or equivalent) file:

export CRDS_SERVER_URL=https://jwst-crds.stsci.edu
export CRDS_PATH=${HOME}/crds_cache

These changes will not affect your work while working with the internal network at ST.

III.- A brief description of what each pipeline step does, as well as a brief description of all the pytests implemented in the tool, the tests that are still in concept phase, and the tests that are still needed, can be found in the Confluence space for PTT. You can get to it from the main page of NIRSpec/NIRSpec JWST Pipeline/NIRSpec Calibration Pipeline Testing Tool (PTT), or by clicking in the following link: https://confluence.stsci.edu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=123011558


  1. Create the conda environment for testing and get the configuration files.

a. Conda environment for this testing campaign:

  • Current testing version is 7.3 Please install this version by typing the following command in a terminal:
conda create -n jwst_b73 --file url_depending_on_your_system 

for the current release candidate, the ulr options are:

Please note that this is the most stable release candidate as of 07/05/2019, and until further notice from SCSB. To be completely sure that this is the latest stable version you can go to the GitHub repo of SCSB: https://github.com/spacetelescope/jwst. In the README file you will find a table called "Software vs DMS build version map", there you will see at the top which one is the latest stable release candidate.


a. The development version of the pipeline is being phased out, and a new way to install jwst package will be used. We will still use a conda environment but the installation will be through pip. SCSB recommends creating a new environment:

conda create -n jwst_env python
conda activate jwst_env

To install build 7.3 in this new way you would type (with the activated environment):

pip install numpy
pip install git+https://github.com/spacetelescope/jwst#0.13.7

or for the latest development version:

pip install numpy
pip install git+https://github.com/spacetelescope/jwst

b. Configuration files corresponding to this build. Create a directory (e.g. build_XX_cfg_files) somewhere in your testing working space, and cd into it. Now type the following command within the conda environment you just created (see step 2).

collect_pipeline_cfgs .
  1. Activate the conda environment for testing the pipeline, if you have not already done so, e.g. type:
source activate your_newly_created_environment

If the above command does not work try:

conda activate your_newly_created_environment

From here on, every step of this guide should happen within the conda testig environment.


  • If you forget what did you name your new environment type:
conda env list

this will list all environments you have created.

  • If you want to remove an old testing environment type:
conda env remove -n name_of_your_old_environment
  1. Install the following plugins for PTT to work properly. Within the conda testing environment, type:
pip install msgpack
pip install pytest-html

NOTE: Every time you create a new conda environment you need to install these plugins.

  1. Clone the repository so you have the PTT. To do this click at the top right of this page, in the dropdown button that says clone or download, then copy the ulr that appears there. Now, within the conda testing environment, go to or create the directory where you want the PTT to "live" in. However, make sure that the configuration files directory is at least at the top level of the directory tree where the PTT will live, e.g. the b713cfg_files directory and the nirspec_testing_tool directory can be at the same level, but the b713cfg_files directory cannot be inside the nirspec_testing_tool directory because otherwise the .cfg files will be picked up by Git and it will try to put them in your space. Remember you are in the GitHub repository page so go all the way to the top of the page, click on the green button and copy the ulr that appears there.
git clone the_ulr_you_copied

After this is done, you should see a full copy of the PTT in your directory.


  • If you have already cloned the repository, in the terminal go to where you placed the nirspec_pipe_testing_tool directory. Then, use the following command to update the code: git pull
  • If, however, you had written script(s) in the tool's directory tree, git will not let you continue until you move the script(s) to another directory.
  1. Prepare the data to run through the pipeline. To do this:

a. Copy the test data you will use from the NIRSpec vault directory. Go to the directory where you want to have the testing data, and from there type:

cp -r /grp/jwst/wit4/nirspec_vault/prelaunch_data/testing_sets/b7.1_pipeline_testing/test_data_suite/the_data_you_want_to_copy .

NOTE: You can start with the FS benchmark data to make sure you are doing the right thing. To get the data go to


There you will find a FS raw file, a PTT_config.cfg file, and a directory called results_491, which contains all the intermediary fits products obtained from running calwebb_detector1, the output text files from running the corresponding script (which include the cal_detector1_outputs_and_times_DETECTOR.txt and the added keywords to the _uncal file), the all the intermediary fits products obtained from running calwebb_spec2, all the plots created with the PTT, the report.html, and the PTT text file outputs (screen_output_DETECTOR.txt and True_steps_suffix_map_DETECTOR.txt). You can use the PTT_config.cfg (changing the paths appropriately) provided to make sure you obtain the same results from the PTT run.

b. In the directory where you copied the test data, you will need to run a script PER fits file you want to test. Do not worry, this will only be done once. This script will create a new subdirectory with the necessary input file to run the SSB script that converts raw data into uncal type files. You can choose to either keep this subdirectory, or tell the script to remove it after the operation is done. In the terminal type:

python /path_to_the_testing_tool/nirspec_pipe_testing_tool/utils/prepare_data2run.py fits_file.fits MODE -u

where the MODE is expected to be one of: FS, MOS, IFU, BOTS, dark, or MOS_sim (use this last one only for MOS simulations, simulations for other modes should use the corresponding mode). This command will update the uncal keyword header without creating a new file, and will also keep the subdirectory. To remove it, simply add -rm at the end. To save the keyword changes in a new fits file (instead of updating), remove the -u. The new uncal fits file is now ready for pipeline ingest.

For now, this script sets the FILTER keyword to default to the corresponding science configuration. This is because the pipeline does not know yet what steps to do with FILTER=OPAQUE.

c. Optional. If you want to see the header of any file, you can use the another script in the utils directory of the PTT. If you just want to see on-screen the header, go where your fits file "lives" and type:

python /path_to_the_testing_tool/nirspec_pipe_testing_tool/utils/read_hdr.py fits_file.fits

This command will show the main header. To save the header to a text file add a -s at the end. If you want to see/save a different extension add at the end -e=1 for extension 1, and so on.

d. Now, the data is ready to be ran through cal_detector1. Please go ahead with step 6 of this guide to do that.

  1. Set the PTT configuration file. In a text file editor, you are going to modify the configuration file named PTT_config.cfg, which lives at /nirspec_pipetesting_tool/calwebb_spec2_pytests/. This is the file that controls all the input that the tool needs. Please open it and make sure that:
  • All the paths point to the right places. The files can be located anywhere, but both, the pipeline and the tool, will run faster if the files are local on your computer.
  • The input file for the PTT is the final output file from calwebb_detector1.
  • The adequate mode for the data to be tested is set correctly, choices are: FS, IFU, MOS, BOTS, dark, or MOS_sim.
  • The variable change_filter_opaque should be set to False unless you want to change the FILTER keyword back to OPAQUE.
  • The variable raw_data_root_file should be the name of the raw file you downloaded from the NIRSpec vault; for ground observations it starts with NRS. If you are running simulations then you can look into the ESA_Int_products directory and see what is the name of the directory that corresponds to your data, copy that name and add .fits to the end, e.g. for my simulation file F170LP-G235M_MOS_observation-6-c0e0_001_DN_NRS1.fits go into /grp/jwst/wit4/nirspec_vault/prelaunch_data/testing_sets/b7.1_pipeline_testing/test_data_suite/simulations/ESA_Int_products, then set raw_data_root_file = F170LP-G235M_MOS_observation-6-c0e0_001.fits
  • The steps that you want to be ran or not are set to True or False.
  • In the bottom part of the file, all the additional arguments for the PTT are correct, e.g. threshold values, figure switches, and additional fits files.
  1. Run the calwebb_detector1 pipeline. The final output of this is the level 2 data required to run the PTT. In a terminal, go into the directory where the testing tool lives (i.e. at the level of the calwebb_spec2_pytests directory), and make sure that the testing conda environment is on. Please check the name used in the DETECTOR keyword in the fits file (you can use the read_hdr.py script in the utils directory to dump the header into the screen and/or a text file). Now type the following command making sure that the appropriate detector name is used in the name of the output text file:
python ../utils/run_cal_detector1.py /path_where_the_uncal_file_lives/uncal_file.fits

This command runs the run_cal_detector1.py script, which executes the calwebb detector 1 pipeline in a single run, using the configuration file that you have for it in the utils directory. This script will will create the log file caldetector1_pipeline_DETECTOR.logwhich will contain a log of the pipeline run. This file will be used to determine the time that each step took to run.

To run calwebb detector 1 step-by-step, simply add -sbs at the end of
the previous command. Note that running the pipeline in full for calwebb detector 1 takes about half the time as it does running it step-by-step, due to IO processing time.

If everything went well, you will see a text file called cal_detector1_outputs_and_times_DETECTOR.txt, which contains the steps ran, the name of the output fits file, and the time each step took to run. This text file, along with the intermediary products will be located in the path you set for the working_directory variable in the configuration file of the PTT.

NOTE ON calwebb_detector1 ERRORS:

  • If you were not able to get the file to run though cal detector1 due to an error saying that the pipeline was not able to find a best reference for dark or superbias, it is possible this is due to the filter keyword in the main header set to OPAQUE.
  • In this case, you can use an auxiliary script named change_filter_opaque2science, which lives at /nirspec_pipetesting_tool/calwebb_spec2_pytests/auxiliary_code.
  • You can run the script from a terminal in any directory by typing:
python ../calwebb_spec2_pytests/auxiliary_code/change_filter_opaque2science.py file.fits 

If all went well and you have a gain_scale_DETECTOR.fits file. The MESA testing tool for calwebb detector 1 is currently being modified so we are SKIPPING the tests for this first pipeline.


If you are working with simulations you may need to convert the count rate map to an STScI pipeline ingestible file (with all the keyword header modifications). In order to do this, use the script called crm2STpipeline.py that lives in the ulits directory. To run this type:

python ../calwebb_spec2_pytests/utils/crm2STpipeline.py /path_to_file/file.fits mode 

where mode is FS, MOS, IFU, BOTS, or dark. The input file for this scritp generally has a .crm or .cts suffix. The output files of this script can be directly ingested into the cal_spec2 pipeline, no need to run cal_dedector1.


If you are working with MOS data, you may need to create the shutter configuration file to be able to process the data through the cal_spec2 stage. To create the shutter configuration file you need the .msa.fits files from APT, or for simulations, you need the nod .csv files. Once you have those files you can use the script called create_metafile.py that lives in the calwebb_spec2_pytests/auxuliary_code directory. You can use this script for MOS data, simulations, or to fix an old sutter configuration file (to update the format for build 7.3).

To create a new shutter configuration file:

python /path_to_PTT/calwebb_spec2_pytests/auxuliary_code/create_metafile.py /path_to_file/blah.msa.fits  

To fix an old shutter configuration file:

python /path_to_PTT/calwebb_spec2_pytests/auxuliary_code/create_metafile.py /path_to_file/blah_metafile_msa.fits -f

To create new shutter configuration file for simulations and/or dithers:

python /path_to_PTT/calwebb_spec2_pytests/auxuliary_code/create_metafile.py /path_to_file/blah.msa.fits -d=obs1.csv,obs2.csv,obs3.csv

Note that for the simulations, the nod files are in a list separated by commas without spaces.

In all cases the script create_metafile.py will output a file called blah_metafile_msa.fits.

  1. a. Fix the pointing keywords in the count rate file. This will only be possible if you have the APT file that corresponds to your testing data. From the APT file, you will need the target's RA, DEC, V2, and V3, as well as the aperture position angle. Sample values for these quantities are: ra_targ = 53.16199112, dec_targ = -27.79127312, v2_targ = 393.86285, v3_targ = -424.00329, and aper_angle = 45.0. To fix the keywords use the following command from the terminal, and in the calwebb_spec2_pytests directory:
python ../utils/fix_pointing.py blah.fits 53.16199112, -27.79127312, 393.86285, -424.00329, 45.0

If the data is IFU add the flag -ifu at the end of the command. The output will be the updated file.

To create a new updated file add flag -nf to the above command.

  1. Ready to run PTT. In the directory where PTT lives and into the calwebb_spec2_pytests directory, copy final output file from calwebb detector1 into the working directory you indicated in the PTT_config.cfg file, and make sure that the input file for the PTT matches the file you just copied into the working directory. Now, to ensure that everything is in order, and to see what pytests will be executed and in which order type:
pytest --collect-only
  1. Do the first PTT run. As an output of the testing tool you will see an html file, report.html, and an intermediary product text file name map will appear in the calwebb_spec2_pytests directory, and at the end it will be moved to the path you indicated at the PTT_config.cfg file with the variable working_directory. The output fits files of intermediary products will also be saved in the working directory. Please check the name used in the DETECTOR keyword in the fits file (you can use the read_hdr.py script in the utils directory to dump the header into the screen and/or a text file). In the terminal type:
python run_PTT.py name_of_the_html_report


-> If you are running a single pipeline step (or only the corresponding pytest), PTT will create a log file specifically named with the step you are studying. At the end of the run you will see 2 log files, one from the pipeline and one from PTT. This will not overwrite the full pipeline run log files.


-> To only run a few pipeline steps you need to: a) Make sure that the variable run_calwebb_spec2 in the PTT_config.cfg file is set to False (otherwise the pipeline will run in full and we have no control of individual steps). b) Turn off (i.e. set to False) the steps you do not want to run in the PTT_config.cfg file, which are located in the section run_pipe_steps of the file.


-> To run a few pytest you need to select which pytest to run (i.e. set to True) in the PTT_config.cfg file, which are located in the section run_pytest of the file.

-> To only run pytest and skip running the pipeline entirely: a) Make sure that the variable run_calwebb_spec2 in the PTT_config.cfg file is set to False. b) Set to False all the pipeline steps in the PTT_config.cfg file. The steps are located in the section run_pipe_steps of the file. c) Set to True all pytest you want to run in the PTT_config.cfg file. These are located in the section run_pytest of the file.

NOTE: The pytest set can also be run directly with the following command:

pytest -s --config_file=PTT_config.cfg --html=report.html --self-contained-html

This command runs the pytest scripts; the -s will capture all the print statements in the code on screen. For now, the report will always be saved in the calweb_spec2_pytests directory, and you will have to manually move it to where you want it to live, unless you give the full path of the destination in the --html= flag. When PTT is done you will see two log files in the working_directory, one is the calwebb spec2 pipeline log (named calspec2_pipeline_DETECTOR.log), and it will be used to determine the time that each step took to run. The second log file is the PTT log file (named PTT_calspec2_DETECTOR.log). This log file contains all the information regarding the pytest ran, files used, and results of the tests.

  1. Report your findings. If all went well, you should have the html report in the calwebb_spec2_pytest directory. Please move it manually to the working directory, as this cannot be done via pytest code. The file name map of intermediary products, the pipeline and PTT log files, and all the intermediary products should already be in the working directory.

Each section of the html report specifies what tests passed or failed, and, if there were any errors, the report will tell you (with the name of the script where the error occurred) if it is a pipeline error or a PTT error. Keep updating your testing progress in the Confluence page where you obtained the name of your testing data sets, in the column named Test reports (if there is none, please go ahead and add it). In this column place a copy of your html report and the text file of the screen output.

Please follow these actions for reporting your progress, depending on the outcome:

  • The html file is portable, i.e. it will not get corrupted if you move it to another directory.
  • Place the html file in the Confluence page. You can also create a PDF export from the report and use that file for the Confluence page and for any sharing purposes.
  • If there are no testing tool errors and some of the pytests failed, you can check
    off the steps and please put that report in Table 2 of the Confluence page.
  • If there are testing tool errors please place your report in the Confluence page, add a small comment in the "Testing Tool" column of Table 2 in the Confluence page, and send an email to Maria Pena-Guerrero (pena@stsci.edu), so that the PTT error can be addressed as soon as possible.
  • If there are errors with the pipeline, please do the following: i) Look up if there are any JIRA issues already filed related to the error. ii) If there are JIRA issues open you can add a comment that you also encountered the problem for your data. iii) If there are closed JIRA issues you can re-open them and report in the comments section. iv) If there is no JIRA issue for the problem please go ahead and create one. You can find the NIRSpec guidelines for doing so at: https://confluence.stsci.edu/display/JWST/NIRSpec+Guidelines+for+Pipeline+Issue+Reporting and copy the link (or JIRA issue number) next to your report.
  • Keep updating the html report as you continue with the testing, and including the final report.
  1. Put final results in the NIRSpec vault. There are two stages of putting results in the vault: (i) After running calwebb_detector1 and (ii) after running calwebb_spec2 and at the end of the testing campaign. For either stage please do the following within your working directory:

a. Create a new directory called yourname_MODE_Name_of_the_raw_data_file_caldetector1 for stage (i), and yourname_MODE_Name_of_the_raw_data_file_calwebbspec2 for stage (ii), e.g. maria_IFU_NRSSMOS-MOD-G1M-17-5344175105_1_491_SE_2015-12-10T18h00m06_calwebbspec2. (If you already copied a previous version of your results and you want to keep it then add a _v2 -or the version number that corresponds- after the word results, e.g. maria_IFU_NRSSMOS-MOD-G1M-17-5344175105_1_491_SE_2015-12-10T18h00m06_calwebbspec2_v2)

b. Inside that new direcoty place all the intermediary fits products as well as the html report, and other report text files.

c. Also inside that directory, create a text file named path2results.txt. In this text file you will only type the full path where you obtained the testing data, e.g.


d. Place the results directory you created in the staging directory of the NIRSpec vault, and send Gray an email (gkanarek@stsci.edu). The path of the staging directory is: /grp/jwst/wit4/nirspec_vault/staging

e. Finally, change the permissions recursively on all files in your newly created directory, so that the NIRSpec curators team can move the data. To do this type the following command in a terminal: chmod -R 777 /grp/jwst/wit4/nirspec_vault/staging/your_newly_created_directory


  • A text file containing an intermediary product name map will be created in the pytests directory.
  • If any of the central store directory calls do not respond (e.g. when looking at the flats), the pytest will be skipped even if the step is set to True in the config file. The failing message will say that the step was set to False (this is a known bug). To force the tests run, you will have to download the files the tool is calling, and change the corresponding paths in the configuration file.
  • The output in the terminal can be a bit overwhelming if there was a failed test or an error, since it shows both, the pipeline messages and the PTT messages. In the html report is much clearer to understand what happened.
  • As part of the testing campaign, it is important that you run the pipeline from the command line as well, and that you make sure that the outcome intermediary files are consistent with the ones ran with scripts, i.e. the PTT. This sanity check is minor but important to verify. In the utils/data directory there are two text files named terminal_commands_calwebb_detector1_steps.txt and terminal_commands_calwebb_spec2_steps.txt. These files contain all the commands you can use from the terminal to run the calwebb_detector1 and calwebb spec2 steps, respectively.
  • Finally, remember that:

a. Whenever you need to read either the main or science headers of a file, you can always use the read_hdr.py script located in the utils directory of the testing tool.

b. If you need to change/add a keyword value to a specific extension of a file, you can use the change_keywd.py script, also located at the utils directory.


  • Passed = the assertion was true, so the test condition was met.
  • Failed = the assertion was false, the test condition was NOT met (there will be an AssertionError on-screen and in the html file, with a clear PTT customized message of what happened).
  • Skipped = the test was skipped (there will be a message on the html report and on-screen explaining why the test was skipped).
  • Error = this is a coding error, or a bug in either the pipeline or the PTT. Please follow the appropriate steps described in the "For Testers" section of our testing campaign Confluence page: https://confluence.stsci.edu/display/JWST/NIRSpec+Pipeline+Testing+Build+7.1+part+1


You can add additional testing routines. We prefer if these are written in python 3.5, however, due to time constraints, we devised a method for including scripts in other programing languages. For this testing campaign, the guidelines for auxiliary code are the following:

  1. Programing language = preferably Python 3.5, however, other languages (e.g. IDL, C) are OK.

  2. Please comment as much as you can so that it is easy for other testers to follow your code.

  3. At the end of your script you must create a pass or fail test, e.g. after you calculate a root-mean-square check if that value is within some range. If instead you have a threshold value, please make the threshold an input variable with a default value.

  4. Your script must produce a text file named scriptname_result.txt at the end, which will only contain one word: True or False.

  5. Create a directory named scriptname with the following contents: a. A text file named scriptname_init.txt, and in there type in line 1 the pipeline step after which your code should be run, in line 2 the language you used, and in line 3 the exact command you would use to run the script. If this is an IDL script, line 2 should be the exact call from within the IDL session.

b. The script you wrote.

c. One level up from where you created the script directory, create a new directory named YourName_PTT_auxiliary_code. In this directory, please place the directory scriptname, and a create a text file named YourName_PTT_auxiliary_code.txt. This text file will only contain the following path: /grp/jwst/wit4/nirspec_vault/pipe_testing_tool/auxiliary_code

  1. Now, copy the YourName_PTT_auxiliary_code directory in the NIRSpec vault, and please send an email to Gray Kanarek (gkanarek@stsci.edu). The vault's path is: /grp/jwst/wit4/nirspec_vault/staging.

  2. Your code will be implemented for the next testing campaign and if there is a threshold associated with it, it will appear as a variable in the PTT configuration file. For the current testing campaign, please place it in the "PTT Comments and/or errors" column of
    Table 2 of our progress keeping Confluence page: https://confluence.stsci.edu/display/JWST/NIRSpec+Pipeline+Testing+Build+7.1+part+1 You will be asked to write a description of your code for the final testing report of the current testing campaign.

Enjoy your pipeline testing!