
an API for a social network web application where users can share their thoughts, react to friends’ thoughts, and create a friend list.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Table of Contents:


This is a set of API for a social network that uses a MongoDB database so that the website can handle large amounts of unstructured data, Express.js for routing, Mongoose ODM, and the moment package to format time stamps.

Walkthrough Videos


  • Clone GitHub repository
  • npm init
  • Ensure that MongoDB and Express are installed on your computer.
  • Invoke application using npm start.


Testing restful API calls with Insomnia Core


  • GET all users
  • POST a new user:
    // example data
        "username": "lernantino",
        "email": "lernantino@gmail.com"


  • GET a single user by its _id
  • PUT to update a user by its _id
  • DELETE to remove user by its _id


  • POST to add a new friend to a user's friend list
  • DELETE to remove a friend from a user's friend list


  • GET to get all thoughts
  • POST to create a new thought
    // example data
    "thoughtText": "Here's a cool thought...",
    "username": "lernantino",
    "userId": "5edff358a0fcb779aa7b118b"


  • GET to get a single thought by its _id
  • PUT to update a thought by its _id
  • DELETE to remove a thought by its _id


  • POST to create a reaction
    // example data
    "reactionBody":"Hell Yeah!!",


  • DELETE remove a reaction by the reactionId

License Details:

This project is under no license.


Please reach out to me at mflanigantwualumn@gmail.com