FIXME: Currently it is required to check the box for run command as login shell
in terminal, not sure why (and if it's correct I should configure it automatically with these scripts).
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
To do the next step you need to fetch requirements.system
from this repo, so let's just grab the whole thing now:
$ mkdir $HOME/workspace && cd $HOME/workspace
$ git clone && cd ubuntu-configs
Alternatively, you could fetch just requirements.system
using curl
$ curl -OJ
Dependencies come from requirements.system
using (this trick)[]:
$ cat requirements.system | grep -v "#" | xargs sudo apt install -y
Python requirements.txt
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Install Jekyll:
$ sudo gem install jekyll bundler
Copy over hidden files to home directory:
$ cp {.profile,.inputrc,.screenrc,.vimrc} ~/
Generate a public/private keypair using ed25519 (more here) to use as a deploy key for this box (will be stored in ~/.ssh/
$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_2020XXDATEHERE -C ""
(pick your own naming convention for filename / email address)
You will be prompted for a passphrase, you can skip (hit enter for blank) but a strong passphrase is recommended (store it in a less secure PW manager).
TODO: add password to your agent:
Start docker and set to run at startup per these instructions:
$ sudo systemctl start docker
$ sudo systemctl enable docker
Synchronizing state of docker.service with SysV service script with /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install.
Executing: /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install enable docker
Setup Remote Desktop (for Home):