
DNS enumeration tool

Primary LanguagePerlMIT LicenseMIT


DNS enumeration tool. Main idea of yet another DNS discovery tool is hashcat feature with bruting by masks.


Please pay attention that only long options supported. Sorry for that, will fix later.


From DNS_Hunter directory (Tested on linux):

$ sudo cpan -i Module::CPANfile
$ sudo cpanm --installdeps .

Note: Sudo is required for default CPAN configuration due to it stores Perl modules in /usr directory.

Note2: In case you have issue with AnyEvent::DNS installation, please try to install it manually with cpan

$cpan -i AnyEvent::DNS


Required options:
  --domain <domain name>                - domain address to brute
  --output-file </path/to/file>         - file to save results
One of the following bruting option required(or both can be used):
  --mask <mask>                         - mask for bruting
  --sub-list </path/to/subdomain/list>  - subdomain list

Optional parameters:
  --uniq <number> (default:5)           - Uniq IP address threshold
  --max-dns-query <number> (default:10) - Number of parallel DNS resolutions
  --no-resolve                          - Only generates domain names w/o resolving
  --leet                                - Replace chars with 1337 numbers!

Mask syntax:
  ?c - char
  ?d - digit
  ?a - digit+char
  {sub} - subdomain 
  Any bare chars can be used as is.
  Example: ./dns_hunter.pl --domain example.com --output-file /tmp/result --sub-list sub_list_for_test.txt --mask '?c{sub}-?d{sub}-anywords'