
Keeps multiple GIT repositories up to date to improve your life

Primary LanguageGo

Developers tools and helpers


This utility will take a path as an argument and look for the .gitrepos file in given path. This file contains a list of directories with GIT repositories you want to synchronize with upstream/master. This utility assume you have following branches and remotes:

  • origin/master - This is a master branch of your Github fork.
  • upstream/master - This is the original repo (repo you forked from) master.

The tool will do following operations for each repository defined:

  • git fetch upstream
  • git checkout master
  • git merge upstream/master
  • git branch (get list of branches)
  • git checkout $branch
  • git cherry upstream/master

If all commits from $branch are available in upstream/master, then:

  • git checkout master
  • git branch -D $branch
  • git push origin :$branch