
Sippy provides dashboards for the openshift CI test/job data

Primary LanguageGo


CIPI (Continuous Integration Private Investigator) aka Sippy.

A tool to process the job results from https://testgrid.k8s.io/

Analyzes any job with a status of FLAKY or FAILING as reported on the following dashboards:


Reports on which tests fail most frequently along different dimensions:

  • overall
  • by job
  • by platform (e.g. aws, gcp, etc)
  • by sig (sig ownership of the test)

Also reports on:

  • Job runs that had large groups of test failures in a single run (generally indicative of a fundamental issue rather than a test problem)
  • Job pass rates (which jobs are failing frequently, which are not, in sorted order)

Can filter based on time ranges, job names, and various thresholds. See ./sippy -h

Typical usage

# Fetch the latest data.  Rerun this periodically to get new data.
$ ./sippy --fetch-data /some/dir --release X.Y
$ ./sippy --server --local-data /some/dir --release X.Y

Browse to http://localhost:8080/?release=X.Y to see the report.

To force sippy to reload data from disk (Such as after rerunning fetch data): http://localhost:8080/refresh

Detailed usage

Sippy can generate custom reports on a per request basis via:


Valid parameters include:

  • startDay - how many days back in history to start looking at job runs

  • endDay - how many days back in history to stop looking at job runs

  • testSuccessThreshold - ignore tests that have a passing percentage higher than this value

  • jobFilter - ignore jobs with names that match this value

  • minTestRuns - ignore tests that ran fewer than this many times either overall, or within each job or grouping

  • failureClusterThreshold - minimum number of test failures in a single job run to be considered a failure cluster/grouping

  • jobTestCount - number of failing tests to report on for each job definition