PicoBerry is a tiny Raspberry Pi CM4 carrier board, which has technical specification, as following:
- USB-C for power supply (5VDC/3A),
- full 40-pin GPIO header for connecting HAT boards,
- 2x user LEDs (green/red),
- support only CM4 versions (with eMMC onboard, CM4 Lite are not supported),
- standard ACT/PWR LEDs,
- 2-layer PCB, 20x70mm,
- fully open source project (OSHW).
You can connect to the CM4 module standard HAT boards, such as LCD screens (with SPI or DPI interfaces), audio DAC boards, RS232/485 or CAN interfaces, and many more...
Here you can find:
- \photos: a few pictures of the assembled PCB boards and design
- \manufacturing files: all the production files for ordering PCB and assembly at JLCPCB (Gerber files, Pick & Place, BOM, etc.)
- \source files: source files in KiCad and Altium Designer format
Project published as Open Source Hardware (OSHW) under CERN OHL v1.2 (Open Hardware Licence).
Project has been certified as Open Source Hardware by the Open Source Hardware Association (OSHWA).
UID is: PL000010
...and much more: