
A smart file fuzzer.

Primary LanguageC++


sloth is a smart file fuzzer.

Why is it a smart fuzzer?

The files generated when fuzzing are not just random data. You must provide a template file, which describes the structure of the generated files.

How is it different from other smart fuzzers?

Every smart fuzzer I've found uses either XML or some programming language script to describe the structure of the fuzzed files. Using XML is tedious, you must provide starting tags, ending tags, named attributes, etc. Using actual programming language scripts forces the user to learn both the structure definition directives and the programming language itself.

sloth uses its own syntax to represent the file structure. For example, this template file provides the structure for a basic jpeg file:

templates { 
    segment {
        # the first byte will be 0xff
        block<1> = 0xff;
        # the next byte will be randomized
        # the next 2-byte field will contain the size of the data field
        block<2> = size(data);
        # the data field will contain 0 to 2000 random bytes
        var_block<0, 2000> data;

# JPG magic number
str_block = "\xff\xd8\xff\xe0";

block<2> = 16;

# JFIF identifier
str_block = "JFIF\x00\x01\x02";

# units
block<8> = 0; 

# 0 to 200 segments, as defined above
template<segment, 0, 200>; 

In order to use sloth, you just need to understand a few primitives which are used to define blocks.


sloth requires the following libraries/applications/features:

  • libcrypto
  • flex
  • bison
  • A C++ compiler that has nice support for C++11 features(gcc >= 4.7 for example)

In order to compile, just do the usual:


Running sloth

In order to start test some application, just execute sloth indicating the template file to use:

# just as an example
./sloth -t /tmp/some_template_file some_application some_app_param1

# fuzz mpg123, for example
./sloth -t templates/mp3 mpg123

# you can also use parameters, "-2" here is a mpg123 parameter
./sloth -t templates/mp3 mpg123 -2

# same as above, {%} indicates the place in which the name of the file
# will be replaced. By default it's replaced at the end of the command
./sloth -t templates/mp3 mpg123 -2 {%}

If at any point, the application being tested crashes, the file that made it crash will be moved to /tmp/fuzzer-NUMBER, where NUMBER will be 0 initially, and incremented each time a file makes the application crash. If you want to provide a different base name (here you'd replace the /tmp/fuzzer-), provide the -d parameter:

./sloth -t something -d /home/something/persistent_dir/crash-file application

Some applications might require the name of the file to have a specific extension. By default, the generated file will be named /tmp/sloth-file. If you want to use another name, use the -o parameter:

./sloth -t something -o /dev/shm/sloth.jpg convert {%} /dev/shm/sloth.png

Template file definition

sloth uses its own syntax to allow users to represent template files that will be used when fuzzing. While fuzzing, every generated file will be constructed using the structure provided in the template file.

The templates' layout is basically a list of blocks. There are different kind of blocks, each of them provides different features:


blocks can be used to represent fields of static size. When you declare a block, you need to provide the size, and optionally a value. If you don't provide any value, its contents shall be randomized:

# defines a 4-bytes block, the contents will be random

# using a specific value
block<2> = 15;

block<4> = 0xdeadbeef;

# give it a name, and use some function over it
block<50> md5_input;

# will contain the MD5 hash of the contents of md5_input
block<16> = md5(md5_input); 

# expressions are allowed as well
block<1> foo;

block<4> = foo * 15 + 1;

# you use a string as well
block<7> = "HELLO\xde\xad";


var_blocks contain a variable amount of data. The minimum and maximum amount of data must be provided on their definition:

# will contain between 0 and 5 bytes
var_block<0, 5>;
# 5 to 10 bytes filled with 0
var_block<5, 10> foo = 0;
# use the size of the field
block<4> = size(foo);


str_blocks are just blocks that must be initialized with a string value. The length of the block will be equal to the length of the string:

# will be a 4 byte block
str_block = "beef";

# 6 bytes
str_block = "hi\xff\x08ho";

multi_bit and bitfield

multi_bit blocks are just wrappers over several bitfields. bitfields represent fields which contain bits instead of bytes. bitfields can be assigned a value or expression:

# wrapper over the inner bitfields
multi_bit {
    bitfield<2> = 0;
    bitfield<4> = 0xff;
    # randomized
# named as well
multi_bit something {
    bitfield<8> = 0xfe;
block<16> = md5(something);


multi_blocks are very similar to multi_bit fields. The main difference is that they hold regular fields, rather than only bitfields.

# some fields
multi_block my_big_block {
    block<1> = 0;
    multi_bit {
        bitfield<4> = 5;


template blocks are very useful when you need to repetedly use a certain structure. templates are defined at the beginning of the file, and can be instantiated at any point in them:

# our file begins with this definitions
templates {
    # foo is a template
    foo {
        block<4> bar;
        block<16> = md5(bar);
# instantiate our template
# instantiate 5 foos
template<foo, 5>;
# instantiate between 6 and 8 foos
template<foo, 6, 8> bleh;
# will hold 6, 7 or 8 depending on how many fields does bleh contain
block<1> = count(bleh);


choices are fields that contain several fields, but only one of them will be used in each file generation:

# can contain either 2 or 4 random bytes
choice {


There are some functions defined which allow you to initialize your field values with some value that depends on other fields' values:

# some random block
block<50> input;

# crc
block<4> = crc32(input);

# md5
block<16> = md5(input);

# sha1
block<20> = sha1(input);

# always 50
block<2> = size(input);