
Semester Project for the Deep Learning 2020 Lecture at ETH Zürich

Primary LanguagePython


Examining Gated Recurrent Network Architectures in Protein Analysis

Semester Project for the Deep Learning 2020 Lecture at ETH Zürich
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Table of Contents

About the Project

A fundamental task in understanding evolution and fighting diseases is to gain knowledge about proteins and their assembly. Proteins are chains of amino acids formed into a specific structure [Yanofsky et al., 1964]. Due to recent research in deep learning and particularly the Natural Language Processing (NLP) area, certain entities of these structures – e.g. where a chain meets again or how it is twisted – can be predicted more accurately. To achieve more comparable results, Rao et al. produced five standardized datasets and specific tasks in the area of protein prediction. We specialized on the prediction task of the protein’s secondary structure. After the discovery of the α- and β-helix structure of proteins by Pauling and Corey in 1953, prediction of those secondary structures is an ongoing field of research.

Folder Structure

├── README.md
├── environment.yml                                   - YAML file for GPU usage working on ETH's Leonhard cluster (recommended)
├── tape_data                                             
│   ├── test                                          - CB513 testing data (will be filled after first run)
│   ├── training                                      - TAPE training data (will be filled after first run)
│   └── validation                                    - TAPE validation data (will be filled after first run)
└── src
    ├── __init__.py                                   - Imports for main.py
    ├── main.py                                       - Main script to execute
    ├── data
    │   ├── dataimport.py                             - Dataloader imports for main.py
    │   ├── dataloader.py                             - Defines Dataloaders
    │   └── download.py                               - Downloads data if not present locally
    ├── models
    │   ├── classifier_autoregressive.py              - Autoregressive classifier
    │   ├── classifier_CNN.py                         - CNN classifier
    │   ├── encoder_GRU.py                            - GRU encoder
    │   ├── encoder_LSTM.py                           - LSTM encoder
    │   ├── model_GRU_autoregressive.py               - Full model with GRU encoder and autoregressive classifier
    │   ├── model_GRU_CNN.py                          - Full model with GRU encoder and CNN classifier
    │   └── model_LSTM_CNN.py                         - Full model with LSTM encoder and CNN classifer
    └── utils
        ├── argparser.py                              - Parser for command line arguments
        ├── accuracy.py                               - Custom accuracy metric
        └── tokenizer.py                              - TAPE Tokenizers

Protein Data

We are using the predefined training, validation and test data as provided by the TAPE benchmark datasets by Rao et al. As defined in TAPE's SS prediction task, we are mapping each amino acid of a protein sequence to one of three labels. Accuracy is reported on a per-amino acid basis on the CB513 test dataset.


All essential libraries for the execution of the code are provided in the environment.yml file from which a new conda environment can be created (Linux only).

Run the code

Once the virtual environment is activated you can run the code as follows:

  • Go into the src directory.
    cd src/
  • Run the program with any number of custom arguments as defined in src/utils/argparser.py. For example:
    python main.py --encoder_type="gru" --learning_rate=0.01
  • If you want to run our code on ETH's Leonhard cluster, submit the same job as above as follows:
    bsub -W 24:00 -R "rusage[ngpus_excl_p=1,mem=16384]" "python main.py --encoder_type="gru" --learning_rate=0.01"

Reproducing our results

For reproducibility, we have fixed a random seed which you can leave at its default value. However, we have performed a reasonable amount of hyperparameter tuning for all of our models and if you wish to reproduce our best results, we recommend running our code as follows (only showing arguments for which the default value needs change):

  • For the unidirectional GRU model:
    python main.py --cnn_dilated=true --cnn_hidden_size=2048 --learning_rate=0.01
  • For the unidirectional LSTM model:
    python main.py --cnn_dilated=true --cnn_hidden_size=2048 --learning_rate=0.01 --encoder_type="lstm"
  • For the bidirectional GRU model:
    python main.py --cnn_dilated=true --enc_bidirectional=true --learning_rate=0.1
  • For the bidirectional LSTM model:
    python main.py --cnn_dilated=true --enc_bidirectional=true --learning_rate=0.1 --encoder_type="lstm"

Additionally, we saved the weights of the four best performing models which can be downloaded here. To learn how to load a model in PyTorch Lightning please check out their documentation. Note, that the architecture first has to be adapted to fit the one of the saved weights.


Steven Stalder - staldest@student.ethz.ch
Michael Sommer - sommemic@student.ethz.ch
Donal Naylor - dnaylor@student.ethz.ch
Lukas Klein - luklein@student.ethz.ch