*** *** ** ** ** ** * * * * * * * ** ** ** ** ** ** * ____ _ _ ____ _ _ | _ \ __ _(_) |___ / ___(_)_ __| |___ | |_) / _` | | / __| | | _| | '__| / __| | _ < (_| | | \__ \ | |_| | | | | \__ \ |_| \_\__,_|_|_|___/ \____|_|_| |_|___/
We’re going to develop a simple bookmarks sharing app. People will be able to signup/signin, add their bookmarks and fork others :-)
See finished work in action: rgr13-bookmarks.herokuapp.com.
add devise gem and run setup scripts
> rails generate devise:install > rails generate devise User
add ‘username’ attribute to devise migration
remove ‘recoverable’ and ‘confirmable’ stuff from devise migration
validating presence and uniqueness of username in User model
generate views, add username field to signup form
> rails g devise:views
run migration
> rake db:migrate
go to /users/sign_up
run rails console
> rails c -> User.all
generate scaffold for Bookmark resource
> rails g scaffold bookmark title url user_id:integer > rake db:migrate
add validations and relations between User and Bookmark
require User authentication to manage Bookmark
order Bookmark by descending creation date
integrate Twitter Bootstrap by installing bootstrap-sass gem
add prettier styles and remove css scaffold
add home page with all bookmarks
show User’s bookmarks in bookmarks index page
add public User profile
remove #show action for Bookmark
add pagination
add kaminari gem
> rails generate kaminari:config
add pagination to index pages
adapt pagination to bootstrap
> rails generate kaminari:views bootstrap
add postgresql gem for production
setup Puma web server
add Procfile: web: bundle exec rails server puma -p $PORT -e $RACK_ENV
add .env: set RACK_ENV and RAILS_ENV to development
prevent environment to be loaded during assets precompile:
add “config.assets.initialize_on_precompile = false” to config/application.rb
create heroku app:
> heroku create rgr13-yourname-bookmarks
improve html and css (show finished work)
use username instead of id in public User profile url
handle profile not found error (redirect to profiles path with an alert notice)
add prettier tables to show Bookmarks
fork Bookmarks
* heroku apps:create rgr13-bookmarks-<developer name> * ssh keygen -t rsa * heroku keys:add ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub * git push heroku master