Music Information Retrieval Experimentation Framework Based on Python.
This project is a Music Information Retrieval (MIR) experimentation framework that has been built to run machine learning experiments for automatic detection of keys in songs.
It uses the musicNet dataset wich is a collection of 330 freely-licensed classical music recordings, together with over 1 million annotated labels indicating the precise time of each note for every recording, the instrument that plays each note, and the note's position in the metrical structure of the composition.
This application is meant to run inside a virtual machine. Therefore, you can use any operative system. All you need to do is to install Virtual Box and Vagrant.
Be aware that the virtual machine requires 8GB of RAM because the musicnet dataset is huge (11 GB).
The following command will install a linux virtual machine with all required dependencies in place:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
vagrant up
This dataset is too big to upload it to github (11GB). The following command will download the dataset and will store it in the data directory of the virtual machine:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
Original metadata for musicnet dataset does not containt the key for each some, thereore, a new metadata file was generated with they key annotations added manually for each song, this metadata file can be found in the folder data/musicnet/musicnet_metadata.csv
Some of the experiments use the sequence of notes representation, which representens every song with a label (key) and the sequence of notes as letters from A to G, the following table shows 3 examples of this representation:
Key | Notes |
A+ | E E E C C A# A# E E E C# G# A D A F# F# E G A C# E G C# C |
C+ | G# D D G A# C G F# E G# D G# C# F F A# C# F# F# F F F A# F# C# |
B+ | E E E C C B# B# E E E C# G# B D B F# F# E G B C# E G C# C |
In order to transform the musicnet dataset to the respresentation mentioned above, the following command must be executed:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /project/code/python
python3 format_sequence_representation
The musicnet dataset in the sequence of notes represation is stored in the directory data/musicnet/representations/sequence_of_notes
There some keys that have more representation than others in the dataset, this means the dataset is umbalanced. If we generate a random split train/test it is possible to generate a train or test set with not enough examples for some labels. To avoid that the following command can be used, it generates a split/test by key and then it merges all the data in order to create a test of 20% and train set of 80%:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /project/code/python
python3 split_musicnet_sequence_representation --train_size 0.9
The test and train datasets are created in the directory data/musicnet/representations/sequence_of_notes
Transforming MusicNet Dataset Sequence of Notes Representation Into Multiple Binary Classification Problems for SEQL Sequence Learner
Automatic key detection is a classification problem with multiple classes (i.e, keys). SEQL Sequency Learner has been designed to deal with binary classification, for this reason we transform the Musicnet dataset in order to generate 24 binary datasets, one for every key. For example If we have 3 songs with different key:
Key | Notes |
A+ | E E E C C A# A# E E E C# G# A D A F# F# E G A C# E G C# C |
C+ | G# D D G A# C G F# E G# D G# C# F F A# C# F# F# F F F A# F# C# |
B+ | E E E C C B# B# E E E C# G# B D B F# F# E G B C# E G C# C |
We need to generate 3 datasets, each dataset will use +1 for positive examples and -1 for negative examples:
Key | Notes |
+1 | E E E C C A# A# E E E C# G# A D A F# F# E G A C# E G C# C |
-1 | G# D D G A# C G F# E G# D G# C# F F A# C# F# F# F F F A# F# C# |
-1 | E E E C C B# B# E E E C# G# B D B F# F# E G B C# E G C# C |
In order to transform the musicnet dataset the following command must be used:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /project/code/python
python3 format_musicnet_sequence_representation_seql
Some of the experiments use the time series, time domain representation, which represetns every song with a label (key) and the time series of the samples, the following table shows 3 examples of this representation:
Key | Notes |
A+ | 241 2084 3136 4178 5218 6263 7303 8335 9365 10390 11416 12446 13473 14503 15531 16557 17584 |
C+ | 240 2077 3108 4143 5178 6208 7242 8279 9307 10336 11366 12401 13432 14466 15492 16517 17550 18577 |
B+ | 258 2114 3194 4252 5296 6334 7383 8427 9485 10523 11566 12591 13625 14661 15688 16716 17740 18764 19791 |
In order to transform the musicnet dataset to the representation mentioned above, the following command must be executed:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /project/code/python
python3 format_musicnet_time_series_representation --resample_size=1024
Time series data is too long, the --resample_size parameter, generates a smaller dataset taking one sample every --resample_size samples
The musicnet dataset in the time series representation is stored in the directory data/musicnet/representations/time_series/time_domain
There some keys that have more representation than others in the dataset, this means the dataset is umbalanced. If we generate a random split train/test it is possible to generate a train or test set with not enough examples for some labels. To avoid that the following command can be used, it generates a split/test by key and then it merges all the data in order to create a test of 20% and train set of 80%:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /project/code/python
python3 split_musicnet_time_series_representation --train_size 0.8
Transforming MusicNet Dataset Time Series, Time Domain Representation Into Multiple Binary Classification Problems for SAX-SEQL Sequence Learner
Automatic key detection is a classification problem with multiple classes (i.e, keys). SEQL Sequency Learner has been designed to deal with binary classification, for this reason we transform the Musicnet dataset in order to generate 24 binary datasets, one for every key. For example If we have 3 songs with different key:
Key | Notes |
A+ | 0.125671386719 -0.110504150391 -0.0445556640625 0.182922363281 -0.143768310547 -0.213714599609 0.138580322266 |
C+ | -0.00314331054688 -0.0169372558594 0.00762939453125 -0.00662231445312 0.024658203125 0.0107727050781 -0.0247497558594 -0.00518798828125 -0.0167846679688 -0.0158996582031 |
B+ | 0.0140686035156 0.0105285644531 -0.00982666015625 -0.0096435546875 -0.0159606933594 0.000518798828125 0.0143432617188 0.0160217285156 0.0105285644531 |
We need to generate 3 datasets, each dataset will use +1 for positive examples and -1 for negative examples:
Key | Notes |
+1 | 0.125671386719 -0.110504150391 -0.0445556640625 0.182922363281 -0.143768310547 -0.213714599609 0.138580322266 |
-1 | -0.00314331054688 -0.0169372558594 0.00762939453125 -0.00662231445312 0.024658203125 0.0107727050781 -0.0247497558594 -0.00518798828125 -0.0167846679688 -0.0158996582031 |
-1 | 0.0140686035156 0.0105285644531 -0.00982666015625 -0.0096435546875 -0.0159606933594 0.000518798828125 0.0143432617188 0.0160217285156 0.0105285644531 |
In order to transform the musicnet dataset the following command must be used:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /project/code/python
python3 format_musicnet_time_series_representation_sax_seql --test_dataset /project/data/musicnet/representations/time_series/time_domain/musicnet_test.csv --train_dataset /project/data/musicnet/representations/time_series/time_domain/musicnet_train.csv
Some of the experiments use the time series, frequency domain representation, which represetns every song with a label (key) and the time series that represents the fourier trasnform, the following table shows 3 examples of this representation:
Key | Notes |
A+ | 241 2084 3136 4178 5218 6263 7303 8335 9365 10390 11416 12446 13473 14503 15531 16557 17584 |
C+ | 240 2077 3108 4143 5178 6208 7242 8279 9307 10336 11366 12401 13432 14466 15492 16517 17550 18577 |
B+ | 258 2114 3194 4252 5296 6334 7383 8427 9485 10523 11566 12591 13625 14661 15688 16716 17740 18764 19791 |
In order to transform the musicnet dataset to the representation mentioned above, the following command must be executed:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /project/code/python
python3 format_musicnet_time_series_frequency_representation --window_size=512
Splitting the Musicnet Dataset, Time Series, Frequency Domain Representation, Into Train and Test Sets
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /project/code/python
python3 split_musicnet_time_series_frequency_representation --train_size 0.9
Transforming MusicNet Dataset Time Series, Frequency Domain Representation Into Multiple Binary Classification Problems for SAX-SEQL Sequence Learner
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /project/code/python
python3 format_musicnet_time_series_frequency_representation_sax_seql --test_dataset /project/data/musicnet/representations/time_series/frequency_domain/musicnet_test.csv --train_dataset /project/data/musicnet/representations/time_series/frequency_domain/musicnet_train.csv
The first baseline model for sequence of notes is based on random forest, it can be executed with the following command:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /project/code/python
python3 random_forest_sequence_notes_representation --n_estimators 200 --ngram_size 5
The second baseline model for sequence of notes is based on KNN, it can be executed with the following command:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /project/code/python
python3 knn_sequence_notes_representation --k 1 --ngram_size 5
The following script will execute SEQL Learner with defatul parameters:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
The following script will execute SEQL Learner with defatul parameters:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
This framework is released as open software, nevertheless, if you plan to use it to support your research, please make a reference to our work ** An Empirical Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for Automatic Key Detection of Songs **