Topcoder API Testing Lib

Tech Stack

Local Setup



In order to use the library, the following config values should exist from the caller API.

  • WAIT_TIME: wait time
  • AUTH_V2_URL: The auth v2 url
  • AUTH_V2_CLIENT_ID: The auth v2 client id
  • AUTH_V3_URL: The auth v3 url
  • ADMIN_CREDENTIALS_USERNAME: The user's username with admin role
  • ADMIN_CREDENTIALS_PASSWORD: The user's password with admin role
  • COPILOT_CREDENTIALS_USERNAME: The user's username with copilot role
  • COPILOT_CREDENTIALS_PASSWORD: The user's password with copilot role
  • USER_CREDENTIALS_USERNAME: The user's username with user role
  • USER_CREDENTIALS_PASSWORD: The user's password with user role
  • AUTOMATED_TESTING_REPORTERS_FORMAT: The reporters format. It is an array of the formats. e.g. ['html'] produces normal html format. ['cli', 'json', 'junit', 'html'] is the full format.
    For the details of the supported format, please refer to

Steps to use

  1. From the testing API, install this lib by add the dependency to the package.json

    "tc-api-testing-lib": "file:../tc-api-testing-lib"
  2. Calling the testing lib to test against inner defined testin

    // import library
    const apiTestLib = require('tc-api-testing-lib')
    // run the test
    apiTestLib.runTests(requests, collectionFileFullPath, environmentFileFullPath).then(async () => {
      // continue on success
    }).catch(async (err) => {
      // continue on failure
    • requests the array of the testing requests. Each array element is like:
          folder: 'create resource role by admin',
          iterationData: require('./testData/resource-role/create-resource-role-by-admin.json')
    • collectionFileFullPath is the full file path of the postman collection file.
    • environmentFileFullPath is the full file path of the postman environment file.
  3. The CircleCI can get the aggregated text summary like:

Total tests: 115	Success: 111	Failures: 4 
info: newman test completed!
info: Clear the Postman test data.
Report saved
info: Finished clear the Postman test data.

Testing results logs

The testing reporter files will be generated in the caller's newman folder. As the script to run tests are usually npm run test:newman, just use the newman as the testing results folder.
templates/report.html is the template for the aggregated reports. As the newman does not provide the aggregated reports, test results will use this template to generate one.
The aggregated reports will be generated in the caller's newman folder too, named reports.html.