- adisuryanathan
- alex-muciLondon (UK); Porto Cesareo (ITA)
- andrecchia
- Ankitv003
- berkantaslanIthinka IT and IoT Technologies
- changelingAustin, TX
- codingonion
- dahjah
- dhruvjaink07digiLateral
- galaris
- gbrandinoeXact lab srl
- godkingjaySorsogon State University
- goobricALC
- harshkasatAMD Telecome Greece
- HatemAbrache
- inghuguesboni
- jordantgh
- kaptinlinUSA
- lcrojanomanajar
- linhduongtuanKTH Royal Institute of Technology
- Mahdi451@intel
- mfranzoneXact-lab
- michellejanosiAkron, OH
- MikernikerPhilippines
- PrabhuKiran8790
- raymelon@levelupnewsletter
- ShawnAvilesStevens Institute of Technology
- snehafarkyaQoruz
- t-var-sShake It
- tcompa
- tony-nyagahNairobi, Kenya
- umgbhalla@LT-Partners
- WangGithub0
- WebChefDevEdmonton
- z11h@apple