Warning: Alpha quality software, do not use in production.
This is a project to facilitate running wasm workloads managed by containerd either directly (ie. through ctr) or as directed by Kubelet via the CRI plugin. It is intended to be a (rust) library that you can take and integrate with your wasm host. Included in the repository is a PoC for running a plain wasi host (ie. no extra host functions except to support wasi system calls).
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runwasi is intended to be consumed as a library to be linked to from your own wasm host implementation.
There are two modes of operation supported:
- "Normal" mode where there is 1 shim process per container or k8s pod.
- "Shared" mode where there is a single manager service running all shims in process.
In either case you need to implement the Instance
pub trait Instance {
/// Create a new instance
fn new(id: String, cfg: Option<&InstanceConfig<Self::E>>) -> Self;
/// Start the instance
/// The returned value should be a unique ID (such as a PID) for the instance.
/// Nothing internally should be using this ID, but it is returned to containerd where a user may want to use it.
fn start(&self) -> Result<u32, Error>;
/// Send a signal to the instance
fn kill(&self, signal: u32) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Delete any reference to the instance
/// This is called after the instance has exited.
fn delete(&self) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Wait for the instance to exit
/// The waiter is used to send the exit code and time back to the caller
/// Ideally this would just be a blocking call with a normal result, however
/// because of how this is called from a thread it causes issues with lifetimes of the trait implementer.
fn wait(&self, waiter: &Wait) -> Result<(), Error>;
To use your implementation in "normal" mode, you'll need to create a binary which has a main that looks something like this:
use containerd_shim as shim;
use containerd_shim_wasm::sandbox::{ShimCli, Instance}
struct MyInstance {
// ...
impl Instance for MyInstance {
// ...
fn main() {
shim::run::<ShimCli<MyInstance>>("io.containerd.myshim.v1", opts);
Note you can implement your own ShimCli if you like and customize your wasm engine and other things. I encourage you to checkout how that is implemented.
The shim binary just needs to be installed into $PATH
(as seen by the containerd process) with a binary name like containerd-shim-myshim-v1
For the shared mode:
use containerd_shim_wasm::sandbox::{Local, ManagerService, Instance};
use containerd_shim_wasm::services::sandbox_ttrpc::{create_manager, Manager};
use std::sync::Arc;
use ttrpc::{self, Server};
/// ...
struct MyInstance {
/// ...
impl Instance for MyInstance {
// ...
fn main() {
let s: ManagerService<Local<MyInstance>> =
let s = Arc::new(Box::new(s) as Box<dyn Manager + Send + Sync>);
let service = create_manager(s);
let mut server = Server::new()
let (_tx, rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel::<()>();
This will be the host daemon that you startup and manage on your own.
You can use the provided containerd-shim-myshim-v1
binary as the shim to specify in containerd.
Shared mode requires precise control over real threads and as such should not be used with an async runtime.
- containerd-shim-[ wasmedge | wasmtime ]-v1
This is a containerd shim which runs wasm workloads in WasmEdge or Wasmtime.
You can use it with containerd's ctr
by specifying --runtime=io.containerd.[ wasmedge | wasmtime ].v1
when creating the container.
And make sure the shim binary must be in $PATH (that is the $PATH that containerd sees). Usually you just run make install
after make build
build shim with wasmedge we need install library first
This shim runs one per pod.
- containerd-shim-[ wasmedge | wasmtime ]d-v1
A cli used to connect containerd to the containerd-[ wasmedge | wasmtime ]d
sandbox daemon.
When containerd requests for a container to be created, it fires up this shim binary which will connect to the containerd-[ wasmedge | wasmtime ]d
service running on the host.
The service will return a path to a unix socket which this shim binary will write back to containerd which containerd will use to connect to for shim requests.
This binary does not serve requests, it is only responsible for sending requests to the contianerd-[ wasmedge | wasmtime ]d
daemon to create or destroy sandboxes.
- containerd-[ wasmedge | wasmtime ]d
This is a sandbox manager that enables running 1 wasm host for the entire node instead of one per pod (or container). When a container is created, a request is sent to this service to create a sandbox. The "sandbox" is a containerd task service that runs in a new thread on its own unix socket, which we return back to containerd to connect to.
The Wasmedge / Wasmtime engine is shared between all sandboxes in the service.
To use this shim, specify io.containerd.[ wasmedge | wasmtime ]d.v1
as the runtime to use.
You will need to make sure the containerd-[ wasmedge | wasmtime ]d
daemon has already been started.
- Install youki dependencies
sudo apt-get install \
pkg-config \
libsystemd-dev \
libdbus-glib-1-dev \
build-essential \
libelf-dev \
libseccomp-dev \
libclang-dev \
- Build
make build
make check
make test
You should see some output like:
running 3 tests
test instance::tests::test_maybe_open_stdio ... ok
test instance::wasitest::test_delete_after_create ... ok
test instance::wasitest::test_wasi ... ok
This builds a wasm application and packages it in an OCI format:
make test-image
make test/k3s
make test/k8s
Make sure you have installed dependencies and install the shims:
make build
sudo make install
Build the test image and load it into contianerd:
make test-image
make load
Run it with sudo ctr run --rm --runtime=io.containerd.[ wasmedge | wasmtime ].v1 ghcr.io/containerd/runwasi/wasi-demo-app:latest testwasm /wasi-demo-app.wasm echo 'hello'
. You should see some output repeated like:
sudo ctr run --rm --runtime=io.containerd.wasmedge.v1 ghcr.io/containerd/runwasi/wasi-demo-app:latest testwasm /wasi-demo-app.wasm echo 'hello'
Run it with sudo ctr run --rm --runtime=io.containerd.[ wasmedge | wasmtime ].v1 ghcr.io/containerd/runwasi/wasi-demo-app:latest testwasm
You should see some output repeated like:
sudo ctr run --rm --runtime=io.containerd.wasmtime.v1 ghcr.io/containerd/runwasi/wasi-demo-app:latest testwasm
This is a song that never ends.
Yes, it goes on and on my friends.
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
So they'll continue singing it forever just because...
This is a song that never ends.
Yes, it goes on and on my friends.
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
So they'll continue singing it forever just because...
To kill the process from demo 2, you can run in other session: sudo ctr task kill -s SIGKILL testwasm
The test binary supports commands for different type of functionality, check crates/wasi-demo-app/src/main.rs to try it out.