Notes on TypeScript


Benefits of typed language

  • Mistakes are detected up front
  • Less bugs
  • Makes type checking unnecessary

TypeScript Compiler -> tsc transpiles TypeScript to JavaScript

  • Install via npm install -g typescript
  • Run tsc in root directory of project
  • Note that a test.js file is created and is the correct ES5 syntax
  • Note that a js directory is created that contains the transpiled JavaScript files, along with source map files


  • compilerOptions
    • target specifices the version of JS (ES5, ES6, ES3)
    • outFile combines multiple TS files into one JS file
    • outDir creates individual JS files for each TS file and place in specified directory
    • sourceMap option creates map for each JS file, linking back to TS line numbers (helps with debugging)

Reference Other TS Files

  • outFile option may assemble transpiled JS in incorrect order
  • Use triple-slash reference at top of TS file: /// <reference path="otherTSFile.ts" />
  • This will help to be sure the order of transpiled JS is correct

TypeScript Basics

Data Types

  • Built-In
    • boolean
    • string
    • number
  • Custom
    • enum
    • array
    • interface
    • class

Opt Out of Typing Variable

var anyType: any = 4;
anyType = "Some string";
anyType = true;
// The `any` type effectively gives back loose typing of JS.
var str: string = "String Type";
var num: number = 42;
var bool: boolean = true;

var arr: number[] = [1,2,3,4,5];
var strArr: string[] = ["hello", "world"];

Set Properties to Private

class Foo {
	bar: number = 1;
	private baz: string = "cannot change me";
var fooInstance = new Foo(); = 42; // acceptable to do
fooInstance.baz = "changed string"; // throws an error

Use Getters and Setters

class Foo {
	private baz: string = "cannot change me";
	get Baz() {
		return this.baz;
	set Baz(newString: string) {
		this.baz = newString;
var fooInstance = new Foo();
fooInstance.Baz; // "cannot change me"
fooInstance.Baz; // "changed"

TypeScript has typing for standard JS objects