Version release : v1.1.7
Author: pedro ubuntu [ r00t-3xp10it ]
Distros supported : Linux:kali, Ubuntu, Parrot OS, Mint (tested)
Suspicious-Shell-Activity (SSA) RedTeam develop @2016
The author does not hold any responsibility about the bad use of this script,
remmenber that attacking targets without prior concent its ilegal and punish
by law, this script was build to show how resource files can automate tasks.
Learn more about 'resource files' ERB scripting here:
Scanning WAN networks in search of targets may take 10 to 15 minutes depending
of your network connection, the tool will search in 1024 random hosts for the
selected port open, then port hosts found to metasploit database, and run the
conrrespondent 'exploit.rc' againts all hosts stored into 'RHOSTS' variable.
All rc files will use nmap nse scripting enginne to gather information and
msf auxiliarys modules to gather information + brute-force service selected.
'Each discovered matching login and password will create one shell session'
By default rc-exploiter uses 'one-per-line' dicionarys to brute-force services
found or we can provide the full path to another dicionary file to be used, also
rc-exploiter give us the abillity to exploit multiple targets at once (RHOSTS)
for that just separate the hosts by a blank space [ eg: ]
Additional tool settings can be configurated just by editing the 'settings' file
before running the tool, settings like: use decoys [ scanning WAN networks ] or
spoof mac addr [ change mac addr + ip addr ] among other default settings.
Nmap, Metasploit, Macchanger, Zenity, Xterm
1º - Download framework from github
tar.gz OR zip OR git clone
2º - Set files execution permitions
cd RC-exploiter
sudo chmod -R +x *.sh
4º - Run main tool
nano settings
sudo ./