
A simple book-list app where user can save the book info on local browser storage

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status

JavaScript Booklist application with no FrameWork

  1. We are writting all the codes in OOP fashoin
  2. we will have a UI class for displaying the alerts
  3. store class for local storage on the browser
  4. will be working with JS events
  5. for the design or layout we used a bootsstrap theme from bootswatch
  6. all the methods in JS are static
  7. we used event propagation to target a specific thing for delete

    To vanish the alert massege we used setTimeout(() => document.querySelector('.alert').remove(),3000);


A simple app to save a list of the books that i read.

test the site @ https://mfsiat.github.io/bookListApp_js/