
REST API that allows you to send emails.

Primary LanguagePython


REST API that allows you to send emails. Created using Django & Django REST Framework.

Installation & requirements

The technology stack used in the project:

You can easily install the required packages using the pip command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then you need to create a .env file that will contain the configuration of our django project. The following fields are required: DEBUG, SECRET_KEY, DATABASE_URL and CELERY_BROKER_URL. The example:

# Django
SECRET_KEY=<secret key>

# Postgres

# Celery

Now you're ready to start the app:

python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser
python manage.py runserver


Sending email

To start sending emails, you must first create the mailbox and template model. Next you make an HTTP POST request:

curl -X POST -H 'Accept: application/json; indent=4' -u <username>:<password> \
    -d '{"mailbox": "883732a7-a744-4e77-9b8b-0d55eb90d3e6", "template": "fdb6977a-5190-44be-92ae-9288b42146d2", "to": ["user@example.com", "user2@exmaple.com"]}' \


The API also allows you to filter sent messages using the date and sent_date field. To do this, you need to send GET request as below:

GET api/email/?date_from=2019-05-22&date_to=2019-05-24              # date filtering
GET api/email/?sent_date_from=2019-05-22&sent_date_to=2019-05-24    # sent_date filtering

Created by Mateusz Furga.