RavenxTelegram is a custom strategy for ravenx
to help you send notifications
through Telegram in an 4 steps.
To install this package, you need to add ravenx_telegram
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:ravenx_telegram, "~> 0.1.1"}]
And second you need to add it to the list of Ravenx
strategies in the config in order for it to work:
config :ravenx, :strategies, [
telegram: RavenxTelegram
This module uses Nadia, so add into your app:
# You can get your token from @BotFather bot in Telegram.
config :nadia,
Send messages via Ravenx
# You should create public channel in Telegram and add your bot to Admin users, when get public channel name from channel settings (or set it)
iex> Ravenx.dispatch(:telegram, %{channel_id: "@ravenx_test", text: "Test message"}