Hurricane Track Visualization in Python
This notebook was created by Unidata 2014 summer intern Florita Rodriguez. You can read more about the project in this blog post.
First clone this notebook:
git clone
The git command will create a directory named HurricaneTracker containing the notebook and supporting files under the current directory.
Once you have the notebook files, you will need to install a number of Python packages. The easiest way to install these packages is via the conda package manager which you can download for free here.
After conda is installed, open a Unix shell or the Windows Conda command prompt and issue these commands:
conda create -n hurricane ipython pyzmq jinja2 tornado pandas basemap
[source] activate hurricane
cd HurricaneTracker
ipython notebook
The first of these commands will install the necessary packages to run this notebook.
The second command will activate the notebook. source
is required in the Unix shell but not on Windows.
The last command will start the notebook server. You should be able to access the HurricaneTracker notebook at http://localhost:8888/notebooks/hurTrackerGui.ipynb