
Implements the MPRIS2 interface for Chrome and Firefox

Primary LanguagePython


Implements the MPRIS2 interface for Chrome and Firefox.

Currently, the following sites are supported with almost all of the capabilities MPRIS2 allows:

Pull requests are welcome.

Installation (for Chrome)

  1. First, in Chrome, go to Tools > Extensions (or chrome://extensions), enable Developer mode and Load unpacked extension... with the root of this repo. Notice, the extension ID.
  2. Next, place chrome-mpris2 somewhere in your $PATH and run install-chrome.py giving it the extension ID and optionally the path (not just the directory) of your just-installed chrome-mpris2 (defaults to ~/bin/chrome-mpris2). This will check that you have all the dependencies and tell Chrome about chrome-mpris2 (so that the plugin can use it).
  3. ???
  4. Profit

If on GNOME or similar you should be able to take advantage of your new powers immediately. Otherwise, you can use something like playerctl, perhaps bind it to a key or XF86AudioPlay and the like if your keyboard has them.

Similar Projects

  • plasma-browser-integration It's more general as it works on <audio> and <video> elements, though it misses out on some of the more "advanced" capabilities, such as cover art support.
  • shwsh/web-mpris2 A port of this extension to Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey (and WebSockets).


  • Support the (supposedly experimental) Media Session API that sites can use to set metadata. plasma-browser-integration uses where available.