- 6
Extra cursor not showing correctly
#259 opened by IsakFriisJespersen2 - 2
Pressing `cl` breaks into new lines during multiple cursors when using with `noice.nvim`
#260 opened by kohane27 - 3
- 11
- 0
- 0
moving between lines is not intuitive
#283 opened by vindex10 - 10
- 0
- 0
Does not work in Oil buffers
#281 opened by jakubdonovan - 1
- 4
g:VM_silent_exit=1 does not silently exit
#276 opened by miversen33 - 5
Module not found error message on lazy.nvim
#254 opened by ekkyarmandi - 0
CurSearch highlight is not cleared
#273 opened by saecki - 0
- 2
Stupid questions about mapping keys: VMSearch
#269 opened by kareltucek - 1
Help for visually selecting different words in different lines and changing them all at once.
#268 opened by dgokcin - 3
- 1
Keymapping with keys/commands after <Plug>(VM-*) doesn't work due to the hlsearch delay
#231 opened by IndianBoy42 - 4
- 8
Unable to disable <C-n> mapping in Lua (neovim)
#241 opened by svanharmelen - 0
- 3
ctrl-n with vim-visual-multi crashes vim
#255 opened by robacarp - 2
- 1
Issues with `mini.clue` and `mini.animate`
#251 opened by farzadmf - 2
- 3
- 1
- 2
I installed the plugin using lazy.nvim; it doesn't seem to work? What should I do about it.
#245 opened by whxcode - 0
Can we make the keymappping used for surrounding in extend-mode configurable?
#244 opened by IndianBoy42 - 1
Merge regions
#242 opened by eyalk5 - 1
- 5
Confusion about `q`
#239 opened by musjj - 2
- 7
- 5
- 11
Disable the plugin
#228 opened by nda-cunh - 3
- 7
Toggling on/off not working
#225 opened by melhakim - 7
Can't leave visual multi
#220 opened by hcarver - 1
lualine integration / workaround
#224 opened by farzadmf - 14
- 4
I just want to select a single letter under the cursor, then move it somewhere and do the same thing again.
#221 opened by arcanemachine - 1
luasnip is partially broken
#219 opened by yashamon - 1
ideavim support
#218 opened by codercodingthecode - 1
<Ctrl-n> error E605
#216 opened by xuanzhangyang - 4
Changing words adds undesired trailing character (incompatible with an autocmd)
#215 opened by awvalenti - 1
Multiline commenting
#214 opened by AlexvZyl - 4
Deleting words using a register doesn't work properly when having multiple cursors
#213 opened by GiorgosXou - 6
Difficult to exit the vim-visual-multi
#212 opened by ametthey - 1
This plugins doesn't works with WhichKey
#211 opened by otavioschwanck