
A-Lisp is a toy lisp written in CoffeeScript which runs on NodeJS or in a web browser

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

_______         ______ _____                  
___    |        ___  / ___(_)________________ 
__  /| |__________  /  __  / __  ___/___  __ \
_  ___ |_/_____/_  /____  /  _(__  ) __  /_/ /
/_/  |_|        /_____//_/   /____/  _  .___/ 

What is A-Lisp?

A-Lisp is a toy lisp implemented in CoffeeScript which runs in NodeJS or in a browser. It most closely resembles common lisp, though you're bound to find plenty of places where thats not true. Its a product of my desire to learn CoffeeScript, NodeJS, and Common Lisp all at the same time.


  • nodejs
  • coffeescript
  • rlwrap (optional)
  • jison, if you want to make changes to the lexer/parser

Starting the A-Lisp REPL

$ rlwrap coffee a-list-repl.coffee

Running Tests

$ coffee tests.coffee