
Provides a swift-friendly interface to cmp (C-based msgpack).

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CMPEncoder provides a swift-friendly interface to camgunz/cmp for encoding and decoding using the msgpack specification.

CMPEncoder is very fast for which it deserves absolutely no credit. It uses the C-based camgunz/cmp to perform encoding and decoding.

CMPEncoder is used in zig for all serialization/deserialization of data to/from its object database.


Add the following to your dependencies in Package.swift:

.package(url: "https://github.com/mgadda/CMPEncoder.git", from: "0.1.0")

Then just import CMPEncoder as needed.



let encoder = CMPEncoder()
encoder.write("Hello, World!")
// Your data is now available in `encoder.buffer`


let msgPackedData: Data = ...
let decoder = CMPDecoder(from: msgPackedData)
let str: String = try decoder.read()

Round-trip custom type

Arbitrary custom types that conform to MsgPackSerializable can be serialized and deserialized.

struct Foo {
  let a: Int
  let b: String

extension Foo: MsgPackSerializable {
  func serialize(encoder: CMPEncoder) {

  init(with decoder: CMPDecoder) throws {
    a = decoder.read()
    b = try decoder.read()

let f = Foo(a: 100, b: "bar")
let encoder = CMPEncoder()
let decoder = CMPDecoder(from: encoder.buffer)
let decodedFoo: Foo = try! decoder.read(Foo.self)