
Sample of .Net Core COM Out-of-process server which supports UDTs using Win32cs and dscom

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Example .net core COM OOP server and client

Builds upon Out-of-process COM Server Demo but avoids risks of manually maintaining IDL files.

Key steps

  1. Contract library (NetCoreOop.Common in this sample) has AssemblyInfo.cs with GuidAttribute to specify tlb id. (Doesn't appear to be able to be specified in csproj)
  2. Interfaces and structs in contract library are marked ComVisible(true) and have a Guid assigned to them
  3. dscom is added to the contract library csproj to export a tlb
  4. Add references to contract library as neccesary for managed callers. Add imports to the exported tlb for unmanaged callers.
  5. Create a server, class factory, and registration
  6. Create a client, call to CoCreateInstance


  1. Register the tlb with dscom or some other means (a setup project)
    PS NetCoreOop.Common\bin\Debug\net7.0-windows> dscom tlbregister (dir .\NetCoreOop.Common.tlb).FullName in an administrator terminal
    Note: You must provide dscom the full path the TLB
  2. Optional: register the Server CLSID to allow COM to start the server if it is not already running
  3. Run the server
  4. Run the client