
Implementation of eCommerce which will be used through workshop.

Primary LanguagePHP

eCommerce Application Workshop

  • Authentication with Sanctum [The auth roues placed in routes/auth.php]

    • Login/Register with Welcome Email
    • Forget Password
  • Categories

    • List categories
    • Show a category
    • List Category Products
  • Products with Cache

    • List products
    • Show a product
    • Filter products
    • Search for products
  • Cart

    • Add/Delete to Cart
    • Send offers to abandon cart products
  • Checkout

    • Show cart summery before checkout
    • Apply Coupon (if exists)
  • Payment with Paymob

    • Credit Cart
    • Vodafone Cash
  • Invoice

    • List the customer invoices
    • Show an invoice
  • Orders

    • Get the latest orders
    • Search
    • Filter
  • Customers

    • Profile
    • Account Setting
    • Address

Administration Section:

  • Customers

    • List customers
    • Show a customer
    • Create a customer
    • Update a customer
    • Delete a customer
  • Staff

    • List staff members
    • Show a staff member
    • Create a staff member
    • Update a staff member
    • Delete a staff member
  • Categories

    • List categories
    • Show a category
    • Create a category
    • Update a category
    • Delete a category
  • Products

    • List product
    • Show a product
    • Create a product
    • Update a product
    • Delete a product
    • Could be importable as CSV
  • Orders

    • List Orders
    • Show an order
  • Coupons

    • List Coupons
    • Create a coupon
    • Update a coupon
    • Show a coupon with its history
    • Delete a coupon
  • Reports

    • Members count
    • Member registered in period to specific time
    • Orders created in period to specific time

Editor Section:

  • Categories
    • List categories
    • Show a category
    • Create a category
    • Update a category
  • Products
    • List categories
    • Show a category
    • Create a category
    • Update a category
    • Could be importable


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