
Simple OAuth2 client written for elixir

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


Much (very much) of this code is derived from Sonny Scroggin's great OAuth2 package, but it wasn't quite fitting my needs, so I ended up making my own. There are a few key differences between them.


  1. Holds OAuth strategies in memory for later use
  2. Doesn't normalize oauth responses, it simply returns them
  3. Adds some features (using a discovery url, for example)
  4. Is currently only able to use access codes for oauth, not user/pass

If you're looking for a simple oauth library that makes it really easy to send an access code (to Google in particular) and get a token back, this is the library you want.


So far, I only have one situation coded out: utilizing an access code with Google's OAuth2 API


Start by registering an oauth strategy:

Simple example:

  • This is the same as the multiple strategies example below, it simply sets its name to :default*
params = %{
  client_id: "someid12345",
  client_secret: "somesecret12345",
  redirect_uri: "http://whatever.com/oauth",
  token_endpoint: "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/token"
# > :ok

Multiple strategies:

params1 = %{
  client_id: "someid12345",
  client_secret: "somesecret12345",
  redirect_uri: "http://whatever.com/oauth",
  token_endpoint: "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/token"
params2 = %{
  client_id: "someid12345",
  client_secret: "somesecret12345",
  redirect_uri: "http://whatever.com/oauth",
  token_endpoint: "https://someotherservice.com/oauth"
OAuth2Cli.register(:google, params1)
# > :ok
OAuth2Cli.register(:other, params2)
# > :ok

Utilizing a discovery service:

params = %{
  client_id: "someid12345",
  client_secret: "somesecret12345",
  redirect_uri: "http://whatever.com/oauth"
discovery_uri = "https://accounts.google.com/.well-known/openid-configuration"

OAuth2Cli.register(:google, params, discovery_uri)
# > :ok

Authorizing Users

# >  {:ok,
# >   %OAuth2Cli.Response{
# >    body: %{access_token: "asdfasdfasdfasdfsadfasdfasdf",
# >      expires_in: 3600,
# >      id_token: "asdfsadfsadfsadfsadfsadfsadfsadfsadfsadfasdfasdfa",
# >      token_type: "Bearer"},
# >    headers: [{"Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate"},
# >     {"Pragma", "no-cache"}, {"Expires", "Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT"},
# >     {"Date", "Mon, 05 Jan 2015 22:49:06 GMT"}, {"Vary", "Origin"},
# >     {"Vary", "X-Origin"}, {"Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8"},
# >     {"X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff"}, {"X-Frame-Options", "SAMEORIGIN"},
# >     {"X-XSS-Protection", "1; mode=block"}, {"Server", "GSE"},
# >     {"Alternate-Protocol", "443:quic,p=0.02"}, {"Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"}],
# >    status_code: 200
# >    }
# >  }


OAuth2Cli.authorize_user(:strategy_name, "codecodecode")