
Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker.


Type of Package

Service package


Redis first requires configuration to setup the credentials for protected mode. No defaults are assumed for users of the package.

Example service install / load and setup:

hab pkg install core/redis

echo '
' | hab config apply redis.default $(date +%s)

hab svc load core/redis


Redis provides the bind port for other services to bind to.

hab svc load my/service --bind redis:redis.default


The default configuration does not enable clustering. This should be addresed in future Habitat plan releases.

For the moment, a standalone topology is possible with the default configuration.

Update Strategies

An at-once strategy would suffice for the standalone installation. If you are running in cluster mode, it is recommended that you employ the rolling strategy.