
An easy dataset toolbox for VECtor Benchmark

Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause Clear LicenseBSD-3-Clause-Clear

MPL Dataset Toolbox

VECtor Benchmark is the first complete set of benchmark datasets captured with a multi-sensor setup containing an event-based stereo camera, a regular stereo camera, multiple depth sensors, and an inertial measurement unit. The setup is fully hardware-synchronized and underwent accurate extrinsic calibration. All sequences come with ground truth data captured by highly accurate external reference devices such as a motion capture system. Individual sequences include both small and large-scale environments, and cover the specific challenges targeted by dynamic vision sensors.

This toolbox is a ROS workspace integrating with a set of easy-to-use dataset functions, including:

License and Citation

This toolbox, together with the MPL Calibration Toolbox and the k4a Projector, is available as open-source under the terms of the BSD-3-Clause-Clear License. If you use this toolbox in an academic context, please cite the publication as follows:

  author  = {Gao, Ling and Liang, Yuxuan and Yang, Jiaqi and Wu, Shaoxun and Wang, Chenyu and Chen, Jiaben and Kneip, Laurent},
  title   = {{VECtor}: A Versatile Event-Centric Benchmark for Multi-Sensor SLAM},
  journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
  pages   = {8217--8224},
  volume  = {7},
  number  = {3},
  year    = {2022},
  doi     = {10.1109/LRA.2022.3186770}

Getting Started

The following instructions are tested on (A) Ubuntu 18.04 with ROS Melodic, and (B) Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS Noetic. A ROS desktop-full installation is required. On top of that, the following libraries (Eigen 3, OpenCV, Point Cloud Library) have to be installed:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev libopencv-dev libpcl-dev
ln -s /usr/include/eigen3/Eigen /usr/include/Eigen

After that, enter your catkin workspace and the build can be triggered with the following command:

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/mgaoling/mpl_dataset_toolbox.git
cd ..
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

Event Visualizer

The event visualizer converts raw event stream into accumulated event frames. It can handle at most two different event streams.

  • For monocular setup, check and modify the parameters in the config/event_visualizer.yaml, then launch the visualization by:
roslaunch mpl_dataset_toolbox event_visualization.launch
  • For stereo setup, check and modify the parameters in the config/event_stereo_visualizer.yaml, then launch the visualization by:
roslaunch mpl_dataset_toolbox event_stereo_visualization.launch
  • To visualize the rosbag, run rqt or rqt_image_view in another terminal to display the accumulated event frames.

Data Validator

The data validator helps to check the correctness and completeness of a downloaded, single-topic rosbag or a merged rosbag. It also calculates the Mean Event Rate if the event stream exists.

  • Launch the validation in one terminal by:
roslaunch mpl_dataset_toolbox data_validation.launch
  • Play the rosbag in another terminal by:
rosbag play [data.bag]
  • Terminate the validation once the playback is over.

Note: Dropped frames on Kinect stream are to be expected, owing to the singularity of the depth calculation during recording. We have deliberately left a blank on the depth stream during the timeline reconstruction, to maintain the overall correctness.

Bag Merger

Bag merger helps to merge different single-topic rosbags chronologically. Note that data sequences with different prefixes can be safely stored under the same directory. DO NOT MODIFY THE FILENAME!

  • Put all single-topic rosbags under one folder, then launch the bag merger by:
roslaunch mpl_dataset_toolbox bag_merger.launch directory_path:=[path_to_directory]

Note: Here, only an absolute path without ~, or a relative path that is relative to this toolbox is allowed for the directory path.

Bag Splitter

Bag Splitter helps to split a multi-topic rosbag into a few single-topic rosbags, with a compression option.

  • Launch the bag splitter by:
roslaunch mpl_dataset_toolbox bag_splitter.launch bag_path:=[data.bag] need_compression:=[true_or_false]

Note: Here, only an absolute path without ~, or a relative path that is relative to this toolbox is allowed for the rosbag path.

Tool Kit

Timeline Reconstructor

roslaunch mpl_dataset_toolbox timeline_reconstruction.launch bag_path:=[data.bag] gt_path:=[ground_truth.csv]

Bag-to-HDF5 Converter

roscd mpl_dataset_toolbox/script
python3 bag2hdf5.py [data.bag]

Bag-to-Rawfile Converter

roslaunch mpl_dataset_toolbox bag2rawfile.launch bag_path:=[data.bag]

CSV-to-TUM Converter

roscd mpl_dataset_toolbox/script
python3 csv2tum.py [ground_truth.csv] [data.bag]