Polygon Hermez Bridge UI

Polygon Hermez Bridge provides a simple UI to get started with the Polygon Hermez Network. It supports depositing and withdrawing ETH and ERC-20 tokens in Polygon Hermez.


Clone the repo:

git clone git@github.com:0xPolygonHermez/zkevm-bridge-ui.git

Move into the project directory:

cd zkevm-bridge-ui

Install project dependencies:

npm install

Create the required .env file from the example provided in the repo:

cp .env.example .env


zkevm-bridge-ui is part of the Polygon Hermez project copyright 2022 HermezDAO and published with AGPL-3 license. Please check the LICENSE file for more details.

Docker image

A GitHub actionk is already configured to automatically generate and push images to DockerHub on updates to develop branch.

To manually/locally generate a Docker image and having an env file named .env.local, you can run from repo root folder:

docker build . --build-arg ENVIRONMENT=local -t zkevm-bridge-ui:local


This code has not yet been audited, and should not be used in any production systems.