
Making possible real-time stock management with the Kappa Architecture

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



  • Use "--config core.autocrlf=input" at the end of the git clone command. More info

  • For Linux, run the following command before the first deploy of elasticsearch:

     sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144


Demo of stock management with a kappa architecture approach:

Stock Management Architecture

Data Flow

Stock Management Architecture

Data Visualization

Stock Management Visualization

Stock event processing flow design:

  • Change events source with items movements
  • Processing events to calculate the aggregate
  • Propagation of events and data services



You need to have the following tools installed:

  • Docker V18.09 or later
  • Maven V3.6.1 or later
  • Apache Jmeter 5.1.0 or later

Oracle Docker Images

You need to have the following Docker images:

  • oracle/serverjre:8
  • oracle/coherence:

For build the images download the repository from GitHub

Then follow the README.md steps of the following directories:

  • OracleJava
  • OracleCoherence

Oracle Maven Repository

Some dependencies needs a special maven configuration Oracle Documentation

Compile & Build Images

Run compile.sh for the following directories:

  • common
  • coherence
  • springboot/dataservice
  • springboot/processor

Run build.sh for the following directories:

  • elk/logstash/movements
  • elk/logstash/stock
  • kafka/ksql-headless


Create docker network

Containers are connected to jbcm-net (docker bridge network)

docker network create jbcn-net

Deployment & Configuration

docker-compose -f docker-compose-1.yml up -d

bash kafka/broker/configureTopics.sh

bash elk/elasticsearch/createMappings.sh

bash elk/kibana/createDashboards.sh

docker-compose -f docker-compose-2.yml up -d

Jmeter Test

jmeter -n -t jmeter/Kafka_Locations_Enrich.jmx

jmeter -n -t jmeter/Kafka_Changes_Test.jmx

jmeter -n -t jmeter/Kafka_Stock_Test.jmx

Jmeter Data Ingestion

jmeter -n -t jmeter/Kafka_Locations_Enrich.jmx

jmeter -n -t jmeter/Kafka_Data_Ingestion.jmx

Reset Kafka Offsets

bash kafka/broker/listGroupConsumers.sh

bash kafka/broker/resetOffsets.sh $group $topic

KSQL Console

docker run --net=jbcn-net -it confluentinc/cp-ksql-cli http://ksql-server:8089

Stop containers

docker-compose -f docker-compose-2.yml down
docker-compose -f docker-compose-1.yml down
