
This repo contains a project tutorial to practice using concepts from Codeup Java II curriculum

Primary LanguageJava

Build a Karaoke App Mock Java Assessment!

This repository is a source of practice for the Java concepts introduced in the Java II Codeup curriculum.

Set Up

  1. read through all instructions in this readme
  2. fork, clone, and open this repository in your preferred IDE for Java
  3. create and checkout to a new branch called my-solution
  4. follow the steps below to build a karaoke program


The KaraokeApp class included with this project contains a commented out main method that can be used to test your app after you complete it. Add other main methods to any class as needed for simpler testing as you build the app.

  1. add a Song class with the following...

    • private string properties for title, artist, and a private list of strings for lyrics
    • a constructor to assign values to all instance properties
    • getters and setters for all instance properties
    • a static method parseLyrics that takes in a single string input of possibly several words and returns a list of strings that are the output of splitting all the words in the input string on a single space character " "
  2. add a Album class with the following...

    • a private string property for the album name
    • a private property for a list of song objects called songs
    • a constructor that sets both instance properties
    • getters and setters for both instance properties
    • a public method with a void return type called printTrackListings that will iterate through all songs for a given album and print output like the following (90s Hits is the example album name):
    90S HITS track listing...
    1. Every Day is a Winding Road by Sheryl Crow
    2. Ready to Go by Republica
    3. Airbag by Radiohead
  3. add a Playable interface with the following...

    • a method called play that takes in an album instance with a void return type
    • a method called play that takes in a song instance with a void return type
  4. add an abstract Player class that implements the Playable interface (not it's methods, however) and include the following...

    • an int constant called WORD_CADENCE set to a value of 600
    • an int constant called INTRO_PAUSE set to a value of 7000
  5. add a class MusicPlayer that extends the Player abstract class and include the following...

    • a private instance string property called voice set to an empty string by default
    • an empty constructor
    • a constructor that sets the value of the voice property
    • a getter and setter for the voice property
    • an implmentation of the play method that takes in a song instance and does the following...
      • this method will create a runtime instance with the following code Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
      • a command can be issued from Java to the terminal using r.exec() and passing in a string that will be executed by the terminal (this will require handling a checked exception; please use a try-catch for this)
      • you can make your MacBook say text aloud by simply running a command in the terminal using the say command. For example, you can make your computer say "hello world" by typing into the terminal say hello world
      • using the knowledge in the previous bullet points, this method should issue a say command to the terminal for each lyric in the list of song lyrics
      • to avoid saying multiple words at once, issue include a pause after saying "now playing...SONG_TITLE by SONG_ARTIST" using the sleep() method and passing in the INTRO_PAUSE constant (this is the number of milliseconds to wait) and include a sleep() command after each lyric reading command is issued, passing in the constant WORD_CADENCE
      • for each say command, you can also pass in a -v flag and include the name of the computer voice you would like the say command to be spoken with (you can use the voice property for this)
      • if you get stuck on these steps, an example of a possible implementation of the play(Song s) method is further below
    • an implementation of the play method that takes in an album instance and invokes the play(Song s) method for each song in the album
  6. add a LyricsPlayer class that extends Player and includes the following...

    • add the following static constants:

       public static final String RESET = "\u001B[0m";
       public static final String RED = "\u001B[31m";
       public static final String GREEN = "\u001B[32m";
       public static final String YELLOW = "\u001B[33m";
       public static final String BLUE = "\u001B[34m";
       public static final String PURPLE = "\u001B[35m";
       public static final String CYAN = "\u001B[36m";
    • a private string instance property for textColor set to the value "default"

    • an empty constructor

    • a constructor that sets the textColor value

    • getter and setter for textColor

    • copy and paste the following displayText method:

      private void displayText(String string) {
          String colorCode = RESET;
          switch(textColor.toLowerCase()) {
              case "red":
                  colorCode = RED;
              case "green":
                  colorCode = GREEN;
              case "yellow":
                  colorCode = YELLOW;
              case "blue":
                  colorCode = BLUE;
              case "purple":
                  colorCode = PURPLE;
              case "cyan":
                  colorCode = CYAN;
          System.out.printf("%s%s", colorCode, string);
    • using the play method implementations in the MusicPlayer class as a reference, implement the play methods in the LyricsPlayer class to behave similarly but instead of saying the lyrics, it should print them out in a timed way. First, sout out RESET + "Now playing... SONG-TITLE by SONG-ARTIST" message before each song and using the displayText method to display each lyric. Remember to use the sleep method and the INTRO_PAUSE and WORD_CADENCE constants to handle timing.

In total, you should have the following files inside your src folder upon completion:



Skip over the following code example to avoid seeing an example solution of the play(Song s) method from the MusicPlayer class

Here is what a possible play(Song s) might look like in the MusicPlayer class...

public void play(Song s) {
    Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
    try {
        r.exec("say " + "now playing..." + s.getTitle() + " by " + s.getArtist());
        for (String lyric : s.getLyrics()) {
            if (voice.isEmpty()) {
                r.exec("say " + lyric);
            } else {
                r.exec("say -v " + voice + " " + lyric);
    } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {

Solution Branch

While it is preferable to build your own working solution of this app first, at any point, you can checkout to the solution branch to review an existing solution.