
An Automated Metric-Based Quality Framework For EA Model Assessment

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION

An Automated Metric-Based Quality Framework For EA Model Assessment

Master's Thesis Tool Implementation

Michael G. Beyer

(last edited 2021-04-20)

This project contains the (Java) source code of the tool implementation (EAQTool) for the realization part of our thesis paper. For a detailed description of the purpose, usage and architecture of this software and the metric suite it incorporates we refer to our thesis paper. An API reference can be found in the "JavaDoc" folder.

Modification History:
2021-0420: Added: Documentation
2020-0223: Minor MVC related refactoring

EAQTool, data access layer, and JSON meta data descriptors

EAQ Tool Principle Usage

To support fully automated workflow, EAQTool is implemented as a commandline interface (CLI) tool, adhering to Maven software project management. While there are defaults set for all file paths, e.g. to load the model descriptor files (class "EAQTConf" in the root package), those paths are of course customizable via CLI parameters. The only mandatory parameter is needed to provide the path and filename of the XML model file that is supposed to be evaluated by the tool (in the following referred to as the data source). For examples of data source files see directory "src/main/resources/*.xml".
The tool supports the following CLI commands

usage: EAQTool
-d,--dryrun Do not persist results.
-ea,--eameta  Path and filename of EA meta model.
-f,--file  Path and filename of XML EA model to evaluate.
-gc,--groupingcat  Grouping category for result display [QRC (default) | MQC | SR].
-m,--metrics  Path and filename of metric suite.
-p,--persist  Path for metric suite run result persistence.
-q,--qmeta  Path and filename of quality meta model.

If not specified by the user, the default path for result persistence is set according to the "user.home" system property as ”$HOME/$EAQTConf.APPNAME/persist” (the directory will be created if not there already). The file name is generated based on the name and version of the metric suite as specified in the respective metric suite configuration file, and the data source name without its file extension. The strings are sanitized to file system safe characters and concatenated using underscores (see class "MetricLog", method "buildPersistenceFilename"), e.g. "EAQToolMetrics_10_ArchiMetal.json". For examples of persistence files see directory "src/main/resources/persist_examples". Per default the JSON descriptor files are expected to reside below the Maven default resources directory ("src/main/resources"), meta models under "meta/ea_meta.json" and "meta/quality_meta.json" respectively, and the metric suite under "metric/metrics.json". The results of a metric suite run will be displayed using the default view (a rudimentary formatted and ANSI-colored console output to stdout, see package "view"). Results and their respective measurement values can be grouped by Quality Requirement Category (default), Measurable Quality Characteristic or Basic Stakeholder Role.

General workflow of the EAQ Tool

The principle workflow is (counterclockwise) as follows (see figure below):

  1. In the first step all externalized information is bootstrapped from JSON descriptor files via the open Jackson deserializer API (see FasterXML [16]). The deserialization process is done utilizing (occasionally retrofitted) Plain old Java objects (POJOs) originally generated by the Open Source project ”jsonschema2pojo”, which can be used to generate Java types from JSON or JSON Schema and annotate those types for data-binding with a parser / generator library like Jackson or Gson (see joelittlejohn [32]). The information provided by the bootstrapped POJOs representing the EA Meta Model and the Quality Meta Model is made accessible to the host application by means of a broker class (EAQTMeta). The broker provides several helper methods to query specific information from the POJO classes, like the retrieval of lists of a specific entity type, the retrieval of an an entity by its ID or the retrieval of entities via their (many-to-many) relationship to other entity types. Information about the metric suite is bootstrapped from JSON and made accessible in a very similar fashion (MSMeta POJO broker class).
  2. In the second step the EA model is read via a XML file reader which is instantiated via a XML reader factory.
  3. In the next step a repository layer is used to query the EA model for metric computations. The repository makes use of the XQuery processor from the Saxon S9API (see Saxonica [58]). The host application channels the processing of the whole metrics suite via the MSMeta broker, which knows the metric suite defined by the bootstrapped JSON descriptor file. The metric suite aggregates all metrics to be run and all AMMPs (Atomic Measurable Model Properties), which define basic measurement functions a metric can use to perform its calculations. Those AMMP functions are modular and reusable and might be utilized by several different metrics. The whole computational logic is outsourced and done by XQuery scripts only, embedded in the formerly bootstrapped JSON metric suite definition (descriptor) file. By using the meta data from this definition file, each metric ”knows” which AMMPs it needs for measurements, and those AMMPs are directly invoked and parameterized within the XQuery script itself. The query is then delegated via S9API extension functions to the repository or to execute a method in the EA meta model (EAQTMeta). Using information provided by the meta data from the definition file, each metric also ”knows” the intended normalization method and its parameterization. The returned measurement values are processed, possibly normalized, and passed on upstream and eventually aggregated by the host application.
  4. Finally the measurements result set of the metric suite run is timestamped and persisted via a factory-instantiated JSON-TS writer (JSON for time series data). Additionally the results are shown as a visual confirmation of the metric suite computation run, and formatted and written to stdout accordingly.

Persisting and Aggregating the Result Set

The results of a metric run should be persisted as time series data, similar to a logfile, and in a format which is wide-spread and open, with a broad support of available APIs, so they can be processed further by third-party tools as easily as possible. In addition it should be a human-readable textual format, which (unlike for example XML) is quite compact and bears only little overhead.
Therefore we chose to implement a specialized JSON format, namely JSON-TS (JSON for time series data, see image below), which captures and transports all the necessary information about the metric results in a way they can be seamlessly processed and aggregated later by a third-party tool. Besides the measurements as such (raw and normalized values), the persisted information includes: Name and description of the metric suite, the data source processed, information about the tool which produced the measurements (data generator), information about each metric in the suite (data provider), an external ID to link a metric to its Quality Requirement Category, information about the normalizer and scaling used, as well as Benchmark Level thresholds. For a detailed description of the JSON-TS format, see the figure below. For a Schema file to parse JSON-TS against, we refer to JSON_TS_Schema.json.

XQuery Data Access Layer

A Saxon-based XQuery processing repository layer is used as a mediator between business logic and data access layer, to address queries to the XML Enterprise Architecture model data. A XML reader is attached to the Repository (in the concrete case a XML file reader), which provides a XMLSource (StreamSource), that is transformed by the Repository into a XDM (XQuery and XPath Data Model) context (XdmNode) by a Saxon S9API DocumentBuilder. The XDM context is needed by the Saxon S9API to execute XQuery queries against a XML data source.
A Specification object (XQSpecification) is used as a means of abstraction and to encapsulate a query (XQuery script and a Hashmap of external variables used in the script) to the Repository, which makes it more versatile. Basically the EA Data Model is queried using a Specification built from a XQuery script (as embedded in the JSON metric definition file), which is then passed to the query method of the XQuery XQRepository. The Repository then utilizes the Saxon S9API to run the query against the XML data source represented by the XDM context. It returns a XdmValue object, the Saxon S9API representation of XDM (XQuery and XPath Data Model) values, which is a list of zero or more typed or untyped items, representing atomic values or XML nodes.
To learn more about the set of extension functions we have implemented in the repository layer (class ’XQEAModelRepository’), that can be used inside XQuery queries, see the image below.

Metric Suite Format Description (JSON)

Conventions for Meta Models