
Node.js public key infrastructure management library inspired by EasyRSA.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Node.js EasyRSA

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Node.js public key infrastructure management library inspired by EasyRSA.

  • Uses forge to manage cryptography
  • Provides ready-to-use templates to create your certificate authority: vpn, ssl or mdm.
  • Available both as a cli and a lib.
  • Provides easy-to-use templates for generic use cases (VPN, SSL, MDM)
  • Can easily be plugged to a database backend.


VPN Server setup

  • Command Line Interface
npm i -g easyrsa
easyrsa init-pki
easyrsa build-ca
easyrsa gen-req EntityName
easyrsa sign-req client EntityName
  • Node.js usage
import EasyRSA from 'easyrsa';

const easyrsa = new EasyRSA({pkiDir});

const pkiAttributes = {
  organizationalUnitName: 'foo.online',
  organizationName: 'Foo',
  localityName: 'Paris',
  stateOrProvinceName: 'Ile-de-France',
  countryName: 'France'

// Build an OpenVPN infrastructure
  .then(() => {
    const commonName = `ca@${myHost}`;
    const attributes = {
    log.warn('Building new CA ...');
    return easyrsa.buildCA({commonName, attributes, serialNumberBytes: 9, privateKey: ca.privateKey})
      .then(({privateKey, cert}) => {
        log.info('Built new CA with serialNumber="%s"', cert.serialNumber);
  .then(() => {
    const commonName = `server@${myHost}`;
    const attributes = {
      unstructuredName: 'OpenVPN Service'
    log.info('Generating new server certificate with commonName="%s" ...', commonName);
    return easyrsa.createServer({commonName, attributes, privateKey: vpn.privateKey})
      .then(({privateKey, csr, cert, serial, index}) => {
        log.info('Built new certificate for commonName="%s" with serialNumber="%s"', commonName, cert.serialNumber);
  .then(() => {
  	const commonName = 'client@${myHost}'
	const {pkiAttributes} = this.config;
    const attributes = {
      unstructuredName: 'My first Client'
    log.info('Generating new %s client for commonName="%s" ...', type, commonName);
    return easyrsa.createClient({commonName, attributes, privateKey})
      .then(({csr, cert, serial, index}) => {
        log.info('Built new client certificate with commonName="%s" with serialNumber="%s"', commonName, cert.serialNumber);


  • You can quickly start hacking around
git clone -o github git@github.com:mgcrea/node-easyrsa.git
cd node-easyrsa
npm i
npm start
