
A boilerplate template for Go web applications

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


A boilerplate template for Go web applications. Uses Go 1.11 modules.

Table of Contents


  • Config files support.
  • Development and production modes (via config.DevMode).
  • Builtin support for HTML handlers and JSON-based API handlers.
  • Implemented common HTTP handlers:
    • Not found(404) handler.
    • Panic recovery handler as 500 Internal Server Error.
  • Template support (auto reloads template in development mode).
  • Auto serves static files in development mode.
  • i18n support.
  • Builtin logs to different files (also configurable).

Main Dependencies

  • github.com/go-chi/chi: HTTP routing.
  • github.com/mgenware/goutil: utility functions and types such as template wrapper, MIME type definitions, etc.
  • golang.org/x/text/language: HTTP Accept-Language header parsing and matching.
  • github.com/uber-go/zap: Logging.


Start server in development mode:

# Start with ./config/dev.json
go run main.go dev

Start server in production mode:

# Start with ./config/prod.json
go run main.go prod

The two commands above simply load a configuration file by the given name. You can create your own config files like ./config/myConfig.json and start server with it:

go run main.go myConfig

Or use the --config argument to specify a file:

go run main.go --config /etc/my_server/dev.json

Directory structure

├── appdata             Application generated files, e.g. logs, git ignored
│   └── log
├── assets              Static assets, HTML/JavaScript/CSS/Image files
├── localization        Localization resources
│   └── langs               Localized strings used by your app
└── templates           Go HTML template files
├── src                 Go source directory
│   ├── app                 Core app modules, such as template manager, logger, etc.
│   ├── config              Config files
│   │   ├── dev.json
│   │   └── prod.json
│   ├── r               Routes

The r directory

The r(routes) directory contains all routes of your application. In order to follow the best practices for package naming (details), child directories of r usually consist of a short name plus a letter indicating the type of the route, e.g. sysh for system handlers, homep for home page, etc.

HTTP handlers

Define handlers

An HTML GET handler example:

// Home page template.
var homeView = app.MainPageManager.MustParseLocalizedView("home.html")

// Home page GET handler.
func HomeGET(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) handler.HTML {
	// Create an HTML response.
	resp := app.HTMLResponse(w, r)
	// Prepare home page data.
	pageData := &HomePageData{Time: time.Now().String()}
	// Generate page HTML.
	pageHTML := homeView.MustExecuteToString(resp.Lang(), pageData)
	// Create main page data, which is a core template shared by all your website pages.
	d := app.MainPageData(resp.LocalizedDictionary().Home, pageHTML)
	// Complete the response.
	return resp.MustComplete(d)

A JSON API POST handler example:

// Handler for a JSON-based POST API.
func jsonAPI(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) handler.JSON {
	// Create a JSON response.
	resp := app.JSONResponse(w, r)
	// Fetch some data from the request.
	dict := defs.BodyContext(r.Context())
	// Complete the response.
	return resp.MustComplete(dict)

Error handling in handlers

You can simply panic in handler code, it will be handled accordingly based on handler type. See panic_handlers.go.

  • For HTML handlers, panic results in an error page, which is defined in error.html.
  • For API handlers, panic results in an error response with a generic error code.

Alternatively, if you don't like panic, both HTMLResponse and JSONResponse have functions to complete a response by an error. For example:

// Handler for a JSON-based POST API.
func jsonAPI(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) handler.JSON {
	// Create a JSON response.
	resp := app.JSONResponse(w, r)
	// Fetch some data from the request.
	dict := defs.BodyContext(r.Context())
	if (len(dict) == 0) {
		// Return an error response.
		return resp.MustFail(fmt.Errorf("Error: invalid input."))
	// Complete the response.
	return resp.MustComplete(dict)

expected parameter for HTML errors

There's an extra expected parameter for HTML errors. When true, it says this error is an user error. Error page will be a normal HTTP OK(200) response.

When expected is false, it indicates it's an unexpected error, thus a server error. The resulting error page will use an HTTP 500(Internal Server Error) code instead.


How is user language determined

  • If the user explicitly specified the language ID in query string like (/?lang=en), we take user's input as desired language ID (this also sets the language ID in cookies).
  • If not, try using saved language ID in user cookies.
  • If not, determine desired language from HTTP headers.

Enable localization on a specific route

The process of determining the desired language ID can brings some costs, so localization is disabled by default. To enable localization in a specific HTTP route, mount the EnableContextLanguage middleware.

r := chi.NewRouter()
// lm is app localization manager
lm := app.TemplateManager.LocalizationManager
// Enable localization on home page handler
r.With(lm.EnableContextLanguage).Get("/", homep.HomeGET)

Use localized strings in templates

Once localization is enabled, you can access localized strings in HTML templates. Localized strings are stored as JSON files in /localization/langs with file name indicating the language ID. Go-triton comes with two example localized strings files, en.json for English, and zh-Hans.json for Chinese Simplified.

To reference a localized string, you need to first make your template data type derive from template.LocalizedTemplateData.

import "go-triton-app/app/template"

// HomePageData contains the information needed for generating the home page.
type HomePageData struct {

	MyTemplateField1 string
	MyTemplateField2 string

Let's say our localized string files are defined as follows:


  "home": "Home",
  "helloWorld": "Hello world!"


  "home": "主页",
  "helloWorld": "你好,世界!"

You can now reference localized strings in templates via LS field:

  <!-- Accessing localized fields -->
  <h1>{{html .LS.home}}</h1>
  <p>{{html .LS.helloWorld}}</p>
  <!-- Accessing non-localized fields -->
  <p>{{html .MyTemplateField1}}</p>
  <p>{{html .MyTemplateField2}}</p>

If you get ".LS not defined" error, make sure your template class extends from template.LocalizedTemplateData.


By default, go-triton logs to the following files:

  • error.log errors (by calling panic with an Error or app.Logger.Error)
  • warning.log warnings (by app.Logger.Warn)
  • info info (by app.Logger.Info)
  • not_found logs all 404 requests

These files are also saved in different directories based on configuration:

  • appdata/log/dev development logs
  • appdata/log/prod production logs

All settings above are configurable.

Projects built from go-triton